Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with kruziano
Mixing and Mastering Engineer
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Eternal Midnight was established in Madrid in 2007, and has created has s solid reputation for hundreds and hundreds of projects mastered over the years, the recognition of many internationally renowned artists, constant innovation and breaking new ground, something that gives us the unique opportunity to offer our experience, and objectivity.
Award Winning Artist/Producer/Songwriter/DJ (Published by EMI/Sony BMG)
Whatever your record needs, I got ya
Lyrically inclined with a passion for singing and creating fresh material. Some people used to say I’m like the female ‘Eminem’ because ONCE upon a time (or a few times) I wrote raps. Now though, I prefer singing, whether that be pop, hip hop, R&B or something slow and acoustic. I tend to rap every once in a while though, it’s hard not to :)
6.000.000+ Million streams worldwide, 50+ song releases, 10+ Years of experience in Mixing, Mastering & Composition, Music featured on Netflix, Catalyst Studios (Funkhaus, Berlin), Music Director for D&H Blurb (2019-20). I strive to deliver high quality results with attention to detail, while prioritizing your requirements and aesthetics.
(100$) Diatonic harmonica player for every musical genre. Seydel Harmonicas Endorser.
Editor for audio projects targeted at the film, TV and video game markets
Crea y cree.
Recent Successes
"Very great engineer. Made my $80 meteor mic sound like a Sony c800g!! Absolutely fascinated with his work. Definietly recommended for mixing/mastering tracks"
"terrific vocalist and writer- even on hard projects- he comes through."
"Fantastic work, Consistency key word ! when it comes to something delicate as you own music trust in someone else hands!! DEXY ! try them out! won't regret I keep coming back!"
"a true pro. super fast and flawless playing with great taste and style. excellent excellent !"
"Travis's mixes absolutely delighted me. Really appreciate the respectful collaboration that took place between us. Very grateful for this experience. Thanks again Travis"
"Super-impressed with what Will provided. Loads of options, and lovely touches and embellishments. Top marks!!"
"He did a Great Job! The lyrics are unique, the vocals are clean and without issues. The whistle is clean, and He plays harmonica Great as well. All at all 1000% the right place to hire a singer. Wonderful Rudiger! "