Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kriss Kross Amsterdam
emotional vocals | radio-ready toplines
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Greetings, Please contact me if you're seeking a professional who is fun, yet productive to work. My objective is to always produce the best possible representation of the artist possible. I offer flat rates for mixing & mastering to assure both the artist and myself are 100% happy with the final result.
I am a percussionist studying music technology at Capital University. I love audio engineering and have done some successful audio projects to date. I am currently in a band that is on this season of "America's Got Talent" called Livy Matt & Sammy
Experienced producer and mixer specializing in underground and deep sounds, house, techno, electro, trip-hop, dub and more.
danielkon.com Electronic musician, arranger, composer and music producer with a passion for creating exciting emotions and unique sonic textures.
HipHop Trap Music Producer from South Africa.
EDM producer and singer / songwriter from UK, interviewed and featured on BBC Essex and Suffolk, reviewed and mastered many clients' tracks with success, produced over 150 tracks. Taught music production at uni music society. Most notable tracks: Goosebumps Remix, Golem, Saint, D'Vorah, Hydroxide, Wild Night. Worked with many different artists.
I adore to make DISCO, SOUL and FUNKY music! I'm professional musician: producer, keyboardist and vocalist. I've been doing it for nearly 20 years, and if you want catchy and groovy song - I know how to do it!
Recent Successes
"Good voice! I recomend! "
"Isaac is absolutely amazing! His vocals are so dope! He's my go-to rapper!"
"Philip is an excellent producer and I'm very happy to collaborate with him. He's been attentive to every detail along the way. Our project together was professionally produced thanks to his amazing skills and expertis..."
"I hired Shana to record voice tags for the beats I license to vocalists. I wanted a lot of unique tags and gave her a list with moods and things to say. Shana went above and beyond what I asked for. She added extra ta..."
"Great job mastering my track, excellent communication throughout the process and final master is spot on!"
"I loved working with Aleesia. Super pro and offered me many options. I discovered her voice and she really has something special. Can't wait to do another one! "
"Really enjoyed working with Daniil. He has good catalog of techniques and helped me unblock a lot of issues in my mix. He's also very happy to share his knowledge and answer questions. Would definitely recommend!"
"I’ve worked with Nathan several times before & there’s no sight on me stopping ever!! He’s the real deal, the most genuine & communicative, & a legit BEAST with his work. Absolute supreme quality!! 🙌🏽🎶 I trust him wit..."