Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kohen
I'm a music producer from Brazil, i have release on Armada Music and Supports of artists like a Don Diablo, Carola, Vinne, Blasterjaxx, Lucas & Steve, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike,Fedde le Grand
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In dBmixroom we are passionate sound engineers with vast technical knowledge and, above all, a lot of creativity. Visit our website to know more about us.
Kohen is a collective of Music Producers that are focused on Produce Music for artists, Freelance Recording and Mixing.
Multi-Instrumentalist specializing in producing quality tracks across all genres. Knack for arranging and making your ideas come to life.
I am a mixing engineer who gets the pleasure of communicating with artists and making good results.
Llevo especializado por mas de 30 años en la arquitectura y diseño sonoro de toda la gama de guitarras con una gran especialización en cuerdas de Nylon. Grabe cientos de sesiones para créditos locales e internacionales como Joe Satriani, Steve Morse, entre otros. Cuento con uno de los estudios mas bonitos y top de argentina.
I will professionally mix your song (pop, rock, soul, funk, etc) to have impact and to translate across different audio systems. I will produce a mix based on your wishes, the sound you are after, and feedback. I will glue your individual audio tracks.
Ditch those MIDI violins! I can arrange string parts for you and record a multitude of glittering violins for your pop, folk, metal, country or hip hop tracks.
Kitarraman here. I am a composer, producer, guitarist, and sound designer. My forte is audio for media (primarily video games, then films), but I'm also a proficient studio producer, arranger, mix, and mastering engineer.
Recent Successes
"Keller delivers high quality instrumental tracks and works fast. He is able to produce original arrangements and at the same time demonstrate technical proficiency. A job well done!"
"I had a great time working with Joona, his commitment and creativity is superb. Definitely will choose to work with him again soon"
"Working with Joseph was nothing less than awesome! He did everything to make me happy with the end results and I would definitely recommend him if you are looking for someone who cares about your projects, acts profes..."
"Extremely talented, very attentive to my requests, and best of all very kind and open-minded at a really generous price! What more could you want? I felt very comfortable and not pushed in any direction with Hammurabi..."
"As always on top! François Michaud is the best person I've ever worked with! His attitude to music is unique. He is very responsible and punctual. We've already done a few songs together and they all sound fantastic..."
"George wrote a great arrangement for trumpet, flute, and the whole band for me, and also played many of the instruments. A talented man!"
"Fantastic Awesome Nightclub Remix of the Classic Knock On Wood - Nate always comes up with something unique and mighty catchy for every single remix he works on for PM Records - a most valued remixer and completely pr..."
"Extremely Talented Engineer that will focus on making your tracks a Hit! Very responsive and professional with quick delivery of service, this definitely won't be the last time I use him and if you're thinking about i..."