Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kezia
Music Producer for over 5 years, gifted in rapping, singing and producing based in the UK.
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Book now for an introductory rate! A professional vocalist with a rich tone, vast vocal range, and refreshing timbre.
Dan is a busy studio and West End musician from London UK. He has recorded in top studios including Abbey Road and currently plays for Hamilton, The Book Of Mormon, Wicked, Moulin Rouge and Abba Voyage in London as well as gigging with a number of artists. Now offering high quality electric and double bass tracks with a 24 hour turnaround.
Kevin Armstrong is the guitarist you may never have heard of, but have most certainly heard. He has had a stellar career since the early 1980s as sidekick for David Bowie, Iggy Pop, Morrissey, Sinéad O’Connor, Prefab Sprout, Thomas Dolby and host of others. He has played with a huge range of stars from Roy Orbison to Brian Eno.
Bassist for Chaka Khan, Sia, Keziah Jones, Shalamar, Tom Browne, and many others.
Hey ! Je suis Ugo et je suis batteur de studio, producteur, et je veux t'aider à obtenir d'incroyables parties de batterie sur tes morceaux ! Je livre des prises de batterie de haute qualité et une production à distance satisfaisante. Ensemble, on peut donner vie à tes titres, alors contacte moi et faisons quelque chose de génial !
Take your music to a higher level, it deserves to be heard by the world!
Percussion and drums overdubs professionally recorded remotely in my studio
Recent Successes
"Fast, efficient, smooth with great results!"
" Shaley was awesome! She is certainly one of the best singers here at SoundBetter! Her voice is incredible, and her ability to write lyrics is something unique. I was extremely satisfied with the final result. ..."
"I was a little over 1/2 way to the perfect song..and Marcello took it over the finish line for total victory..It is a wonder when what you think you have is so much more because of adding extreme talent and productio..."
"Phil is great to work with. He is an excellent musician, informative, generous with ideas and very punctual on delivery."
"Awesome job! Love working with Aaron!"
"Tarogato improvisations. Everything's very well played, I had multiple recordings to choose from, recording quality is great, communication and delivery we're fast."
"Yoed was a true professional. He was quick to respond, pleasant to deal with and provided extra takes for my project, even adding an effect style track to sit with some of the other elements in my song. "
"Another round of mixing with Chris- he always delivers the most realized version of my tracks. remarkably organized and in control of even my more dense sessions- amazing engineer and world class mixer!"