Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Victor Onyike
Music Producer for over 5 years, gifted in rapping, singing and producing based in the UK.
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Mix / Recording Engineer,Prod.
Carlos F. Calderón / Rec Division Studios, Madridfavorite_borderfavoriteProducer,Sound Engineer,Owner @Rec Division Studios Madrid.
Dark shape studios is a studio specialized in mixing and mastering. We have worked with more than 30 artists of different genres And mixed & mastered around 100 songs We are here to find your sound.
Funk/RnB/Pop Producer and Vocalist, Multi Instrumentalist, and Songwriter. Music producer and arranger for three time Tony Award winner Hinton Battle's stage production "Danzzze Dreams". Wrote for Grammy Nominated RnB Singer Karina Pasian.
I believe that every song is unique and should be treated as such. I am the builder and the artists are the architects.
With a decade of expertise in audio engineering, I bring a seasoned touch to your music, meticulously crafting a polished and professional sound that elevates your tracks to their fullest potential.
I play guitar with acoustic guitar being my specialty. I love working on other peoples songs and helping them achieve what they hear in their head. I also love challenging the creator to try things they wouldn't normally think to do. Its through experimentation that we achieve the best results.
Alex Merrill is a funk session/touring keys player whose played with the likes of Baby Jake, Riley Clemmons, Aveva, Morgan Myles and even, Jeff "Skunk" Baxter, of Steely Dan/Doobie Brothers acclaim. He specializes in all styles with an emphasis on 80's Funk, 70's yacht rock, and Gospel/blues with a vintage-synth tinge.
Recent Successes
"The second song in the ethno style was recorded by Nicholas. I should say that Nicholas is great guitarist! He got everything what to do and moreover. Awsome job was done with no delay. Hire him with no doubts!"
"As all the collaborations we made with Wes, it was wonderful. Great lyrics writer and singer. Quick and professionnal job. So impatient to try again ! "
"As a beginning artist, it's amazing to have someone to not only show you the ropes but also someone who has the "big picture" in mind. Since the first call, Arthur wasn't just focused on getting my song done for the g..."
"Perlsound, aka Nir, was very professional and made a stunning lead for a production I was working on. He's incredibly talented and completed the job in less than 24 hours. He put a lot of care and effort into it. I wi..."
"Andrijana is one talented girl! She did an excellent job with a vocal arrangement and strings; we look forward to working with her again.. "
"Jessica did a wonderful job from start to finish! She worked with me to match the exact vibe and sound that I was looking for and she was patient with me when I asked for some changes. She worked very fast and had gre..."
"Quick to deliver and top notch quality on the vocals he sent me! A real life-saver for a project that is due soon - big thanks! Will definitely hire again!"
"Ankha just completed a Bluesy Hard Rocker for me which is Fantastic! It's always fun and exciting to work with Ankha, she does such a professional superb job you always look forward to the next project! Highly Recom..."