Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kathy Frank
I am a Holistic Music Producer. I am ready and happy to collaborate with your project, from pre-production to achieving the final product you need.
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More providers:
High End Beats, Mixing & Mastering
Good Music Everyday
Song writer, guitarist, looking to collaborate with other like-minded musicians.
Music composer and producer.
Millions of streams, hundreds of stars, and 4+ years of experience in the production and podcasting fields alike, all at your disposal.
Cricut is a brilliant machine that does the ideal job of cutting materials into several designs and shapes.
Multi-instrumentalist with 20 years experience in writing, recording/performing, and production. My specialities are primarily writing and playing keyboard parts (piano, organ, wurli/rhodes, clav, synth) across a wide variety of genres as well as producing full-length songs.
Recent Successes
"Austin is the best. He is one of my favorites here. He remixed some song from me and we did a lot co productions together. Also he mix and master every thing. He works very hard. Very professional and fast. Also he is..."
" Vocal genius, Amazingly fast work complete with lead and backup vocals. Gave a great interpretation. Can't recommend highly enough."
"Andrew gets you exactly what you want at the highest quality level and his input upgrades the quality tenfold, can’t thank him enough, making as many songs with him as his schedule allows!"
"Mercedes rocks!!!! I recommend her 100%"
"Another great mix from Martin! I'm losing count of how many tracks we have done together but he has made all of them sound epic and amazing!!! Looking forward to the next one!"
"Excellent ideas and execution by Gekko again!"
"Liz has been an amazing musical talent and contributor to our album "Pieces of Forever". Her cello play is gorgeous, she brings a wonderful creative flair to the project, and is always there for us, on time, again and..."
"Thanks for the balanced master!"
"Klaas does an amazing job and didn't disappoint on this one either. Thank you!"
"It was so great working with Ellis! He understood my vision, listened to my ideas and was very easy to communicate with. He was professional, patient and kind. The final product was more than I hoped for and I woul..."