Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with kashink
LIVESTREAM WHILE WORKING !! Experienced sound engineer +10 years expertise across various music genres. I focus on independent artists. Graduate of the prestigious E.N.S. Louis Lumière in Paris, let’s create something unheard-of.
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I can do anything lyrically, top-line, vocally. I am a singer/songwriter/vocal producer/engineer. I was a linguist for 10 years, so I understand "language" in a way that, for me, is not just about the words, but how they feel when leaving your mouth; or hitting your ears. There's a psychology. It's about how you deliver them. Intention.
With any project I take on, my goal is to collaborate with the artist and be involved in the production process to the extent that the artist needs or wants to make the best sounding recording possible.
I love recording band, experimenting with sound, always trying different things.
George Barrie approaches production and studio work from an artists perspective. Check out the extensive discography George has contributed over the years. https://www.stereomosaic.com/discography
Review Gadget Oppo F11 Jewelry White
Music Producer specialised in Vocal, Field and Piano Recordings. Editing, Comping & Mixing Engineer. Singer, Songwriter and Pianist.
Burhan uddin shabul is a Social Worker his a very cute younger boy in celibrity of Tripura He's a pretty boy. She is also sad because of the sorrow of others. It is not good to see the torture of wrongdoers.The poor people want to stand beside poor people. The poor working people love a love.
Recording studio engineer since 2003. Music is a matter of sensibility, that's why I like to establish a human connection with the artists I deal with. Musicality must always prevail over the technical side (which is important too). I'm a musician (drummer) and pro tools user since 1999. I can do also live recordings. Feel free to contact me
Recent Successes
"Great working with Gosteffects, he's fast, thorough, detail oriented and can take some of the worst takes and make them sound absolutely perfect. Couldn't be happier! "
"As far as I am concerned, Sefi is one of the few highest level audio engineers in the industry. So, if the quality of the job done is matter to you, look no further, Sefi is your guy! Michael, composer."
"I cannot speak highly enough of Mohamad work. He play flutes from is hart and It took me years to find a musician with this quality. If you want the best, he is the guy. Highly recommend!!!!!!"
"Outstanding dude and vocal producer."
"This was my third mix with Petey and there's a reason I'm a repeat customer. He's timely, professional, and most importantly, a talented producer and mix engineer. He took my song, added a personal flair, and really..."
"I loved Pol´s approach to my christmas song "Hey, Mr.Santa". He augmented the harmonic space in a tasteful way, foreshadowing the big band arrangement, adding color and humour to the simple piano track I provided. Pol..."
"Sara is so great I just had to do another project with her. Delivering amazing and professionally sounding vocals that you can use directly. Also takes her time to do all this extra adlibs etc that adds greatly to the..."