Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kalijah Wayne
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In Need of Mixing no need to look any further i'm your guy Professional quality is what i provide
An experienced design and audio professional with 8+ years of professional recording experience in the music industry.
I am a profesional music producer with over 20+ years of knowledge, releases and industry experience. I can produce anything from EDM, House, Deep, Tech, Progressive and Techno.
I am a multi genre music producer.
Over 12 years of experience in the field!
Get radio-ready sound with depth, emotion, energy, and a strong sonic footprint!
Attention to detail is my thing. I like to work on productions that sound amazing. I'm based in Mexico and have over 10 ten years of experience in sound engineering and music production. I work with musicians and other type of content creators to produce great-sounding pieces for their channels.
Hey! I'm Red MERTAH and my goal is to turn your songs into high quality modern metal tracks. Songwriter, producer and guitarist, I have been creating and producing metal music for 10 years. Today, I want to make YOUR modern metal music sound as good as possible.
Recent Successes
"Kramer at Mastered, who did the noise reduction and tweaking on my vintage recording, is a solid pro with whom I hope to work again should that pleasure arise. His impeccable promptness, clarity of thought, remasteri..."
"Cory is a legit wizard at mixing! His communication is excellent. He’s attentive and professional. He went above and beyond to ensure my song came out exactly as I’d envisioned. And he also offered his expert opinion ..."
"Alexandru is great to work with and has a proffesional attitude and patience when you need a lot done to your track. The mixing really adds some value to the sound."
"I’m really pleased with the result and she had no problem singing the way I wanted to fit the song perfectly!"
"Fred did a great job mastering my song and is also very nice and helpful!"
"Erman was an absolute pleasure to work with! We were very impressed by the masters he delivered and he most certainly exceeded our expectations. He was incredibly knowledgeable and thorough in his work and had great c..."
"Matt has a great ear for rich full mixes. Already used him before and will continue to use in the future. "
"Santiago is super professional, extremely skilled and very fast. He is definitely the first producer i will think of then I write my next song."
"Petey did a great job mixing my acoustic instrumental. After A/B-ing what I had done, he really brought out a much more natural sounding mix that is going to work so much better! "
"Excellent work from Hugo! He gave me a totally different perspective on my song that was really helpful to the evolution of my songwriting and Production process. Highly recommend!"