Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jxaddict
Recording/mixing engineer, and music producer. 10 years of experience. Helping artists to make their music much better for a while.
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Will Snyder is a Grammy and Dove nominated Hip Hop/Latin/Pop Recording, Mixing engineer with 20 plus years experience and many Major label Credits, focused on creating quality, modern, hard hitting records for up and coming artist that need that edge to get noticed by major labels.
Award-winning Stereo and Dolby Atmos mixing+mastering. Hundreds of millions of streams, top playlist positions in Pop, Indie, and Rock as well as many #1's around the world. Unlimited free revisions on mixes.
Experienced and creative drummer / multi-instrumentalist with my own studio. Artists and labels choose me for sessions because of my musical versatility, attention to detail, service and reliability. I've worked with Grammy-winning producers and bands, and regularly work at Abbey Road in different capacities, and other world-class studios.
Music Productions that will touch the hearts of many people, We will provide you the most interesting and unique sounds from scratch, and we will be available even after the track and the deal was closed.
I own a sound studio and I provide a full music production cycle, from composing music and lyrics to mixing and mastering the final track.
My name is Cristiano Micalizzi, Grammy awarded drummer playing drums professionally for over 25 years. I have recorded drums on more than 200 albums in my carreer.
Your music, your way. The best sounding demos in Nashville. If you need guitar, bass, piano, drums, vocals and all things in-between, I've got you covered! Lets Make Some Music!
I'm a professional session and stage drummer. I work in my professional Recording Studio where I also recorded drums for some important productions. I'm specialized in every genre from Pop, Jazz, Funk, Soul, Disco, Hip-Hop, Rock, etc... Check my YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EioxMDJ1FAY
Recent Successes
"Sing it's a very professionist singer, very fast!!! it was a pleasure to work with him. Vote A+++++++"
"Amazing work, Justin is a great artist and singer, super proud of the melodic line he did and the good lyric. I'll work with him again in the future!"
"I am IMPRESSED with John's ear. Just because you are a producer doesn't mean you have the gift of being able to analyze your clients, and know how to blend their interests with current beats/melodies. But he does! He ..."
"Amazing singer with great attitude and attention to details! Super recommended "
"Great to work with, responsive, super talented, great vocals, and very professional. looking to start another project with Aleesia soon!"
"Every time I am pleasantly surprised by the result. Without any problems and even without references - at once what I needed. I didn't even have to explain! Ready to do more! Thank you!!!"
"He is a good player and understands exactly what I wants and plays. Also he is humble and quick to respond and complete the task. It's a pleasure to work with Ziv."
"Great job on vocal tuning, was very happy with the result. Initial take was already great, and was willing to work with me on feedback and small changes as well"