Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Julien oviedo
More than 15 years of experience and growing into knowledge every day
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I'm an audio professional driven by my passion for music, always eager to learn new things and share what I've learned with others. In order to open new horizons and to take my talent to another level I went back to school and I obtained my Bachelor's degree from renowned Full Sail University with a major in Music Production.
Don't hate - collaborate! :)
I have many years experience as a singer and songwriter for alternative, pop rock and classic rock bands in Australia. I have a huge vocal range and am capable of covering many styles. With full audio production facilities at my fingertips I work quickly and cooperatively to ensure your songs reach their full potential.
I offer: - Professional service - Great time management - High quality audio - Friendly customer service 24/7 - Meeting the deadlines My top skills: - Music composition (10 years of experience in making production and commercial music.) - Scoring for film - Music for video games - Sound design - Audio editing - Audio post production - Mixing - Ma
Mixing and Mastering Will assist in release of your track(s) Track will be showcased on Yardgang.com Will support you on all social media platforms Will include my mixing cheat sheet called "Quantifying Music Production"
I am a conservatory trained classical violinist. If you are looking for a smooth/perfect but real string sound, I'm your gal. I am also an experienced studio musician who can be flexible and arrange string harmonies on the fly.
I provide high quality guitar tracks. Im looking forward to collaborate with a diversity of talented artists.
Making this world sound better👌
Recent Successes
"Nomad was amazing to work with! He made sure to really take the track and make it his own, by trying different variations and really channeling the mood and feel of the song I was looking for. Also did a few takes to ..."
"I'm loving every minute working with Perry on these songs! This one is magnificent. It's so incredible to be working with him!"
"Usually I take this time to talk about how amazing Tim is, but this time, I'm going to highlight how amazing I am! Why am I so amazing?... because I am savvy and wise enough to hire Tim, one of the best and most ..."
"Amazing "
"Kiko is a talented and imaginative musician I have encountered over the years in music production. Every time I collaborate with him, I am pleasantly surprised by his ingenuity in music and excellent performance in in..."
"I’ve worked with Mike variety of different genres and styles, and he is top-notch every single time. He is very attentive to detail, and I genuinely believe he wants to make each every track special! I would highly re..."
"I have had the honor of getting to work with Andros on a good amount of projects and plan to do more. He is so reliable, quick, professional, and has a great ear for bringing fresh ideas to make each project even bett..."