Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Julie Fajhtinger
20 years of experiences in audio production! From writing original music, to producing music and everything in between. I am also very skilled at writing/recording vocals/back vocals, guitars, bass guitar, piano, drums.
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My name is Kaygee Lepirate, I'm a Hip Hop / R & B / AfroTrap / House beatmaker and all kinds of black music. I have been composing for 12 years in the wine town of Bordeaux / France. My strength as a beatmaker is that I myself am a singer who likes to share these emotions and thoughts on a music in harmony with its elements. With me it's just a mat
I love well Recorded/Mixed records, and I focus on giving the material great depth and dynamics for it to withstand the passing of time. Music should generate an emotional reaction, and that's what I look for when I am working with a certain song or album. I like to create a sense of space when mixing, and dynamic and balance when mastering.
Previously side hustle, now professional mixer in all things rock. With work streaming on curated playlists and music tv channels, I'm sure you can get the best bang out of your buck working with us.
Let's make music together. Professional drummer, + 15 years of experience. Recorded more than 300 songs in 2022 in many styles but I get better in Rock - Pop situations. Each song is unique and my job is to find the perfect sound and beat tailor-made for you.
Millions of Views and streams on YouTube, Tiktok, among other social networks.
Ecclectic violinist with heavy classical training and a diverse set of interests, tastes and skills. After graduating multiple renowned universities, I developed a strong need for crossover, utilizing both acoustic and electric violins.
Music Producer, Mixing and Mastering Engineer and Composer with experience in EDM.
I would be the number one in music industry !
Recent Successes
"We have worked together on three or four tracks now. I guess that says it all. Christian is just a great producer, experienced, creative and a total professional. Pleasure to work with."
"It was such a refreshing pleasure working with Zack and his easy going spirit. But don’t let easy going fool you because he has more than the required (both creative & technical) skills it takes to bring a project up ..."
"I came to this site with an idea, a vision, and ambition. I laid it out clearly and concisely for Chris who, with quick, precise and professional communication along with his sharp ear for what sounds right, was able ..."
"Marcus wrote lyrics to my pop dance track and nailed it on the first go! Professional and a pleasure to work with."
"Professional and high quality, got everything I asked for :)"
"Bailey is simply amazing; she’s a wonderful artist with a gorgeous voice. Can’t wait to work with her again! "
"I can't thank Riley enough for helping me create and bring together my latest song. From beginning to end, he was nothing short of fantastic. He is genuinely invested in creating the best of the best which is hard to ..."
"The final product that Sunny Lax delivered was truly exceptional. The sound quality was absolutely incredible, with every element of the track sounding crystal-clear and perfectly balanced. The bass was tight and powe..."
"Overall i sensed a lack of communication and commitment to the project"