Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jugando
Mixing and Mastering from an acoustician
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Producing, Mixing, Mastering. Owner of Element Recording Studios.
Since many years ago I work with Sound, Tracks, Musicians, Mixing Consoles, Pro Tools, pro tools again, and again. Hard working on audio restoration, impossible is nothing.
I am a singer/songwriter. I have an authentic sound. I can write and sing in any genre. I would love to help you turn any project into a masterpiece. When 2 artists come together there’s no saying what magic we could make.
Elevate Your Event with an Exceptional DJ/Producer/Remixer and Sound Engineer As a DJ/Producer/Remixer and sound engineer specializing in mixing and mastering for six years, I bring an unparalleled musical experience to the table. My passion for sonic artistry is reflected in every note I create, every track I remix, and every event I curate.
Let me mix your song! You can go to any mix engineer but, it comes down to style. I have a great ear for breathtaking tracks. Aside from mixing I also make beats and one got a placement with an artist in LA. I have a passion for audio and I put my heart and soul into my work.
My name is Cory. I'm a producer from the Dallas area looking to produce you next record. I love to create and bounce ideas off each other to come up with the best possible outcome we can create. Creating a great song is a collective effort and requires a lot of moving pieces allow me to share my creative gift to produce a great record for you.
fyp - Captive Cult Entertainment
The Lord knew not to give me a good singing voice, otherwise I would've travelled the world doing live shows right now, instead I'm just writing poems & songs about feelings no one knows about.
Recent Successes
"I recently requested Camilo's services to master a track and he came within 24 hours with a master plus a revision. He really brought out the fullness of the song and the groove. Great quality work and efficiency! "
"Awesome as always!"
"Tom just nailed it again! Alwats delivering flawless results!"
"LeeLoo was amazing. This project involved signature vocals, high ranges, unique and blended arrangements and was heavily improvised. It was not easy and she pulled of the leads and backing vocals incredibly. There was..."
"Leroy did an amazing job on my latest track and went the extra mile to get it right and provide super detailed feedback. There was a lot to do and Leroy did it all! What's more, his always detailed feedback helps me h..."
"This is my third project and more to come! Well done and thank you so much!"
"Alex is a music genius. He always surprises in the best ways. His patience is unlimited. Always such a joyous collaboration. That I am thankful, it is an understatement. He is the absolute best at modernizing songs an..."
"Matty is a talented and detail-oriented engineer who took my track and did exactly what was asked and then some! Matty had a great attitude through the process and after a few revisions he had an amazing mix!"
"Mella, Perfection, Thanks so much, W "