Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with judeline
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Currently Owns Studio in Los Angeles.
Currently studying a degree in music production at the Academy of contemporary music in Guildford. At the moment I am recording / producing & mixing a variety of projects which stem from solo artists, to Psychedelicrock bands.
Specialising in recording, editing, mixing and mastering.
Hey there, my name is Philipp Höfling and I'm a professional drummer and producer from Germany. I currently play in the bands Asinis (Metal) and VAN:tOM:S (Industrial Rock). I offer smashing drum tracks for your productions. My focus is on Rock/Metal/Pop/Funk, but I'm absolutely open to other genres. Let's talk about your project and get in touch!
Efficient and Creative Audio Engineer with 3 years of studio experience recording and mixing various artists. Passionate about bringing the best sound out of everyone I work with. Willing to take creative risks in mixing and break some rules in order to push the sonics of music forward. VISIT WWW.KADO777BEATS.COM FOR STUDIO TIME / BEATS / MIXING
Acerca de Sérgio Esmael músico e intérprete da nova geração de artistas que tem dado o seu contributo para o enaltecimento do music coll angolano se destacando dentro do cenário musical fazendo a sua diferença tanto quanto pessoa individual e musicalmente como artista pela sua diversidade musical é um ser de natureza nobre e gentil
Recent Successes
"Sefi will give you an excellent mix up front, and then completely knock it out of the park with the first revision. This last song has perfect panning, depth, and dynamic fader levels for each track, giving each inst..."
"Great Job with Drew. Thanks!"
"Josh got these songs back sooo fast to me omg like the next morning after I sent them the night before Only 1 tiny correction in one song! He’s amazing"
"Austin is inspiring to work with and delivers all of his work like a true professional and very fast. I've done so many songs with him and will continue to hire him. "
"Matt has yet again done a stellar job for us - great sounding mixes, alongside being professional and accommodating! Can't recommend Matt highly enough! "
"It was a pleasure, and he did a great job with what I needed. I would totally love working with him again. "
"I don't need to say it again but I will, Ziv is a machine on his instruments! Be it acoustic electric or nylon guitar, bass, ukulele. The man has a way of understanding music, that lends itself to production and recor..."
"Had the chance to work with Chloe in person at our studio session. Incredible experience getting to bounce ideas together and see her work. Amazing voice and a true professional, brings her great personality into the ..."