Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Juan Roldan
Coming from a bloodline of musicians has both crafted and developed my musical talents but has also given me the gift of listening to several styles of music and incorporating those different styles in my mixing and production.
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StudioLE is about as affordable as you will ever find anywhere, we guarantee it! Every project is different and we approach it accordingly. We are confident that you will not find a more committed recording studio when it comes to your project. studiole.com
everyone can find its unique sound. my goal is to develop it
Versatile, virtuoso harmonica blowing.Sounds ranging from classic Charlie McCoy Nashville to Bluegrass, Cajun, Appalachian String Band, Memphis Jug Band to Sonny Terry style Country Blues.
Singer and songwriter. Experienced vocalist and musician who has experience spanning from singing in rock and soul bands, to operatic training, to belting it out in musicals. I have sung a wide variety of styles in a wide variety of settings.
Composer,arranger and pianist for more than 18 years
Musician, performing artist and music composer/arranger/producer for 20 years
Producer / Composer / Pianist focused on injecting deep soul into House, EDM, Trap & Latin influenced music. Let's capture hearts!
Born in the 80s, raised in the 90s, and still producing sounds with those timeless vibes! Hi, I'm Ethan (a.k.a. The Ghost Mall), and I write and produce pop songs and soundtrack-style instrumentals with a retro glow! I've worked with artists worldwide to bring a nostalgic feel to their original songs and multimedia projects. Let's connect!
Recent Successes
"Thomas is a fantastic engineer. If like me, you are primarily a producer/songwriter/musician, Thomas will take your track to a new level. Frankly, I thought my mix was close to perfect. After hearing Thomas's version ..."
"This was the 6. song working with Marcello, perfect as always, easy to work, understand my ideas and realize it in just one click, my friend thx, LOL we have 7 more to go. It will be an amazing album."
"Two projects with Kimera have been such a breeze. It's a pleasure to work with great musicians who understand production. Kimera really knows how to sing in a way that it will mix very well with the track. A complete ..."
"Stevan always gets the job well done and on time. He offers great suggestions to help the artist with his project and the sound quality is exceptional."
"Hugo is truly awesome. Easy to work with and a very talented musician. I love the saxophone sounds he provided for two of my songs and I highly recommend hiring Hugo. Quick, flexible and awesome improvisations. I am..."
"Doug Diamond is The Best!!! "Upcoming Charts Will Prove The Rest" Cobb N Cobb"