Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with DJ MUSIIX
From sports stadiums, professional theaters, to elm recording studio sessions - AYALA delivers top quality vocals to any song.
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My name is Samuel Araujo and i am a graduate from the Institute of Audio Research in NYC. I am getting into Audio Production and eventually become a professional Mixing Engineer. They say it takes 10,000 hours to perfect your craft, and that's what I'm reaching for.
Chicago recording veteran CushAudio has been working as a studio owner and recording engineer for over 10 years professionally.
Mixing Engineer with millions of streams
Torchlight Productions is a privately owned recording, editing, mixing, and mastering facility located in Beallsville, Maryland, and operated by a chief studio engineer with over 28 years experience. We have worked with local and area artists in the Washington, D.C. area. Our client base is built on Torchlight Productions outstanding reputation.
Methodical Madness are a group from Guernsey, Channel Islands. They begun recording songs to raise money for Teenage Cancer Trust in 2019. Robots. Dancing. Alone. (album) was released on 26th August 2019 in memory of Thomas Martin-Sarre, who passed away from Rhabdomyosarcoma five years earlier. Today, Methodical Madness has over 12 million streams!
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TryHardNinja's music producer. Over half a BILLION hits on youtube for songs that I've composed/produced/mixed.
drummer/percussionist and producer @ music lounge Global studio.
Recent Successes
"Very professional with regards to the service and quality of vocals delivered. Great to work with. "
"Excellent work by Ziv on adding guitars to my track. His creative vision is second to none!"
"Jonas does an amazing job as usual. I have used him several times now. He gets the job done. Very solid player and knows what he is doing. I gave him very basic midi tracks that were not very clear for a difficult son..."
"Extremely easy transaction. Matt brought this song to the next level. And he did if timely and super easy to work with. 10/10 recommend "
"I appreciated Nate’s attention to detail and being able to handle a lot of changes-relayed via email! Of course he’s an excellent player as well. Thank you I’ll be back!"
"Ive been working with Austin for about 3 years now and have worked on several projects together.... DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT AUSTIN!! :) He is patient, professional, and a amazing producer/engineer! thank you austin!"
"This is my 10th song working with Sefi Carmel for both mix and master work. Once again, superb work from Sefi!! Sefi is a true professional, delivering very high quality work in a timely fashion that has exceeded my..."
"Evren did an excellent job mastering my song. I was impressed. You can tell he has a passion for audio engineering. He is easy to communicate with and has a great attention to detail."
"Really professional! Easy to deal with, and quick to get response. Really enjoyed working with E.N Young and I’m sure we continue to do projects together. Massive respect and honor king! "