Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with JT music
I have nearly 800,000 monthly listeners on Spotify along with close to 100 collaborations with popular artists, including CG5 and JT Music and over 200 million streams across streaming platforms.
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Mixing, editing, programming, composing
Here at Wells Productions, our engineers are also musicians and artists alike. We have the experience and talent for mixing & mastering, creating custom music compositions and producing a professional product that you will be satisfied with.
We handle your music with passion. We've been doing record, mixing and mastering for almost 10 years.
Acoustic, Ethnic & Electronic Skills.
Authenticity is very important to me. My affinity for fusion allows me to combine influences while maintaining a common goal during the collaboration process. As a singer-songwriter & multi-instrumentalist, I have a solid understanding of quality musicianship without losing sight of the artist's interest.
Songwriter/Vocalist/Producer/Instrumentalist - Jonas Wallin Multi-platinum songwriter and vocalist with releases w/ Avicii, Fall Out Boy, Wyclef Jean and Noonie Bao. I specialise in multi-genre writing, memorable lyrics and vocal production!
Producer, Sound Engineer, Mixing and Mastering
Recent Successes
"Once again, Krysta and Myah f*****g killed it. Talented and extraordinarily professional, not to mention stunningly beautiful. Click now and look no further, you won't regret it!"
"Andres mixed our track with great precision and trasnparency in the sense that it respects a lot of the dynamics and mixing of the premastered version, while giving it that quality and personality of a finished master..."
"James did an incredible job of mastering my song! He communicated very well and delivered before my deadline. The song sounds amazing - crystal clear, loud, and dynamic. There was no need for revision. If you're looki..."
"2nd time working with her and I feel like I don't even deserve the quality. SUPERB!"
"As always Martin provides professional service extremely quickly, even when there are some small issues on my side. Happy to work with him again"
"Marcello exceeded my expectations…I highly recommend him for your project."
"I highly reccommend working with Rumle. He is gifted, artistic and is so collaborative and professional when it comes to revisions being made. He understands the process so well and my songs sound exactly as i wanted ..."
"Really reliable, good communication I just sent in my Sax solo ideas and they were able to play it real nicely :) Even gave me advice on my sax writing when I asked for one."