Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jenny O.
Multi-platinum mix engineer with major label and indie credits. Mixing, mastering, and production heard on millions of streams and syncs worldwide.
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I am an audio designer who specializes in video game soundtracks and sound effects.
My name is Jerry Hammack. I live to give you the great mix your hard work deserves. I have worked as a producer, arranger, audio engineer and musician for over three decades. As a Beatles authority and author of 'The Beatles Recording Reference Manuals', I have a complex understanding of vintage recording and mixing philosophies.
Pilot Recording Studios is a full-service recording facility in Western Massachusetts.
Let me help you achieve the sound you are envisioning, I strive to serve the song and deliver high quality drum tracks.
I work as a soung engineer at national radio, i have my own recording studio, studing for mix & mastering
Production Credits: BoofBoiIcy, Ripso, 3Kneebleeder. Self-taught music producer and DJ from San Diego. Please check out my Spotify/Apple Music Artist Page for more!
A professional mixing and mastering company specialising in Dolby Atmos and surround sound productions.
Recent Successes
"marcello is a vocal force to be reckoned with , precision , power and chops is what he brings to your song - five stars "
"Michael understood exactly what we were going for in our project and achieved a top notch performance and recording - we only needed one take! I’d highly recommend him."
"I have worked with Christopher over the whole of 2021 on various projects. He has mixed the last track perfectly and has provided a very high quality track for me. I would highly recommend Christopher and am very exci..."
"Tom was quick and very helpful on the mix and master! Very professional and responsive!"
"Working with David is always a great pleasure! He is flexible and his style fits my productions the way I want it to fit. Highly recommended songwriter/artist "
"The quality of the mastering exceeded my expectations, and Rob has been super kind and available all the time! It was great working with him"
"Snake was polite and quick to respond and send back the parts. Great guy and player"
"Karlo's production expertise helped creating an amazing banger! His unique perspective and top-tier skills make him a standout producer. Banger = Karlo !"
"Did a great job, very quick and my songs sound great. They’re ready to go out and face the big wide world!"