Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jose Lobo
Hey! It's Mike. I've been mixing indie rock, indie pop and indie folk styles for 8 years- these are my specialties and I rarely deviate from them so I can stay focused on serving the genres I listen to the most. I have a guarantee meaning if you aren't 100% satisfied, a full refund will be made.
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Mixing Engineer, Songwriter, Producer
I make catchy, hit songs, and I put my all and everything into them striving for perfection!
I am a virtuoso (57th GRAMMY-Winning album) drummer with more than 20 years experience. Happy clients include artists to the likes of: AR RAHMAN (composer of Slumdog Millionaire) JAI HO World tour and many movie soundtracks, LEO SAYER, and Lion King co-composer LEBO M. Endorsed by SPAUN drums ZILDJIAN Cymbals REMO Drumheads VATER Drumsticks
Hello everyone, I'm Destiny and I have been writing music for years now, I'm very experienced !!! I can't wait to help musicians out with my song lyrics.
The woodwings session musician you're looking for
Hi! I've been creating music for 10 years and decided to share my skills with the ones who are going to bring their musical ideas to life. If you would like to write and record a song for the loved one, turn a guitar and lyrics song into a fully produced track or finish and polish the demo, I can be useful for you.
creating catchy melodies for your song and produce your music
A feast for the ears ! That's what I am aiming at. I can edit, mix and master productions of Jazz, World Music, Classical Vocal and Instrumental Music. In each case my goal is to make it clean and beautiful.
Recent Successes
"Dan is very professional and easy to work with I am very satisfied with my mix and will be working with him again."
"Second time with him. Great player and great sound. It gives you the big professional package of tracks (DI / AMP / Kemper...) with lot of ideas, to have the choice. Big level of performance. Of course, he's the P Wil..."
"Ross exceeded my most optimistic expectations for my music. He paid close attention to sonic details, kept in constant contact regarding the progress of this production, he was friendly and encouraging and nothing I'v..."
"It was so easy to work with Natalie – just did send my song and she returned a song on another level. Brilliant voice and Natalie created very creative harmonies and ad libs. So very happy for her work."
"Once again a great delivery with a range of styles that definitely improves the song! Highly recommended! "
"Roy was an absolute breeze to work with. I had some special requests he was able to meet, such as keeping my rough mix intact inside Ableton, and mixing from my Ableton project. This saved me tremendous effort in prep..."