Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Joaquin and The Glowliners
Pro level services for independent artists on a budget. Let's create that sound you've been looking for.
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Hi, I am a recording artist currently writing, performing and recording my own music as well and writing for other artists. When I'm being me (BinX) I have my own style, but I also like to manipulate my voice to imitate others making it fun to do all different styles and genres, whether singing or speaking.
Let me start by saying thank you for this opportunity. I’m a competent multi-instrumentalist with 20 yrs. experience comprising Drums, percussion, electric, acoustic guitar, piano and keys. I’m skilled with DAW software and programming VST software. I pride myself on producing quality productions.
Session guitarist and mix/master engineer. I can add acoustic or electric to your song and mix and master your track and vocals to perfection for an affordable price. I've been part of a signed band, toured as a session guitarist and FOH across the United States, Australia and the UK.
Hi, I'm Simone Boffa, an experienced professional music producer, guitarist and multi instrumentalist. Song or soundtrack production combining live and virtual instruments, top end studio technologies, mix & mastering, using my own developed technics. I'm also an Ableton Live and Push2 expert user, specialized in Lo-fi Hip Hop oriented beats.
Quality and experienced music production, mixing and mastering. Signed on Universal Music. Worked with Warner Music, EMI and more!
I am a Mastering Engineer specialized in modern pop, electronic music and indie/rock, trained in Los Angeles by top-notch and Grammy-winning Mastering and Audio Engineers. I am the owner of Solar Vox Studio Ltd, an Online Mastering Studio, where I can deliver your tracks stunning analog mastering sound, no matter where you are located!
20+ Years experience as a live and studio musician – I know what it's supposed to sound like. I mix musically and with character.
With nearly 600 original songs under my belt as an artist, I transform flat potentials into vibrant and dynamic manifestations. Visit 'Vold Book' on music services to listen now. @voldbook on Instagram.
Recent Successes
"I'm very happy,Pat is a great talent,nice job!"
"Iden is a great person to work with, I couldn’t be more pleased! He took the song to a whole new level, even we had an unexpected request he took care of without any hassle. Will definitely work with Iden on the n..."
"Wild has ear and taste for great sound. he always go beyond my expectation to get the sound to a level more than my expactation. i will always use him for my future mixing and mastering. i search for no other. highly ..."
"He always puts his best to make the beats sound like fire, I really love working with him, his style is so unique and fresh. He is the best beat maker I know !!!"
"Amazing master and fast as always!"
"GËKKØ: completely professional, expert, and very easy to work with. Technically and creatively proficient! Happy to work with him repeatedly."
"Ben is a joy to work with. He is friendly and professional with very high quality output and performance. He even delivered ahead of schedule and I look forward to working with Ben again. "
"I understand why Leo is the best rated pianist, what a wonderful experience, you made me so happy !"
"Sabina is great. She is my Goto lyric translator and always quick, service minded and super responsive. Thanks Sabina! A Pleasure to work with you:)"
"Sefi has the magical ability to mix and master a track that sounds exactly like the one I had in my head entering the process! I am so grateful for his attention to detail, his professionalism, and his dedication to h..."