Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jerry Gaylord
I'm a professional vocal tuner, specifically looking to create a great sounding tune with minimal tuner variation to create a natural sounding vocal.
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Full-service professional recording studio located in scenic Shutesbury, MA in the Pioneer Valley. Can handle musical groups of any size. Engineer plays keyboards and horns, which he can add to your songs. Rate is $45/hour.
Session guitarist and mixing engineer, in rock/metal styles.
fat, beefy, tastie, smoove, noice
FINISH YOUR TRACK WITH ME! Mixing, Mastering, Production + More
Ugandan-British Hip-Hop artist | Humanitarian | Radio Host
I am a mix engineer and guitarist with access to state of the art equipment and studying a joint honours degree in music performance and production. I am looking gain experience, in both these areas by working live bands and artists, from a variety of genres, mixing their songs and possibly recording guitar for.
Greatly enjoy writing songs & poems as well as extending and remixing songs; looking to share this talent with others.
Recent Successes
"I keep coming back to Justin because he provides exactly what I need and with his own creative take. He's also extremely easy/good to work with. I highly recommend him if you need professional quality work completed..."
"As always, josh is a standout! Thanks man!!! "
"Loved working with Lyell. Has a rich understanding of music production and composition while at the same time, being an incredibly talented engineer. Give him a call."
"I had a great experience working with Alex. He truly has a gift. I hope to work with Alex again in the future! If you're looking for a professional sound engineer, Alex is the one! "
"François, or "Sorcier" as I call him did a terrific job. He has a keen ear and he works very quickly and is a wonderful collaborator. "
"Kamari nailed it with the vocal editing. I needed the tracks done in a week, yet she finished everything in a couple days. Everything sounded crispy. She's amazing! I would highly recommend her!"
"Absolutely love the track - Jordi has a great ear and is a highly skilled producer. Highly recommended!"
"Otto is a really talented artist with a really beautiful and powerfull voice! definitely worth it. "
"Charles Butler is an exceptional collaborator and artist. I always look forward to the ideas Charles has for me! Thank you thank you thank you, Charles, you're the best!"