Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jawbreaker
I am an Audio engineer with both Studio and FOH experience.
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I've spent the last 18 years or so of my life playing music, and put myself through school to finish a Bachelor's degree in music. I play piano, guitar, bass, some drums, I sing and I can do a range of screams popular in various styles of metal music. I also write songs and am building up a collection of equipment and software to produce from home.
When your ready to hear your song how you've always wanted to let me know, we'll get started!
Experienced mix & master engineer situated near Bristol, UK. Worked with many artists from all over the world!
You only have a few seconds to catch a listener’s ear—make sure you put your best foot forward by presenting a perfectly polished track, complete with the professional mixing and mastering your music deserves.
stereo music mixing and mastering
I like music and I would like to profit from that. I already made about 500 beats and did also some songs for my friends. I like to playing with sound so I would like to experiment if you like.
Rapper & Songwriter
Tracker of grammy award winning artists and mix engineer.
Recent Successes
"Thank you Smallfish Recordings! You've done an amazing job on this song for a very affordable price. Im super happy it turned out this good. It feels like a boost of confidence and energy working with you on the res..."
"Kirsten is not only a great singer, but a great person. It was amazing working with her as she put her best foot forward to assure proper delivery of work. Moreover, she is very prompt in responding. Absolutely the ri..."
"Very happy with the mix and master that Dark Audio did for a short video score of mine. 1. Professional and easy to communicate with. 2. Work was great. 3. Went the extra mile to meet my requirements and deadlin..."
"It was such an awesome experience working with Guy. He’s honest and cares for quality and results!! We bounced back and forth really well and I felt comfortable as well as confident throughout working together - knowi..."
"Quickest turnaround ever! And that work was brilliant! thanks as always, Andrew!"
"Great job, as usual. Thanks!"
"To be a good artist, you must first be a good person. Jolie is both a good person and a good artist. You can feel it while working."
"Hard to find words how good at mixing and mastering mr.François Michaud! He helped us to find perfect sound and made as much mods as we required(!!!) Since rusia invaded our motherland - he made us a discount to s..."
"Great working with TJ, very professional and did a superb job"