Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Javi Lost
I make records in LALLANA STUDIO and I play guitars and pedal steel.
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Stac$x. The Man Behind The Boards. Lets Work!
Music producer who draws influence from other genres of music and interactions with people into hip hop, trap, R&B, and pop music.
Wicked Squid Studios is a high level audio engineering collective based out of Rochester, NY with over 50 years of collective experience in the audio production industry.
I have written over 50 songs for my Indie Rock/Pop band "The Pines", achieving 20,000+ streams from just 3 official song releases. On top of this, I dabble with underscoring and writing music for FIlm, TV, and Games
I am a singer song writer but not a professional one but I am passionate and I love what I am doing.
I'm a professional piano/keyboard player from Brazil with 25+ years of experience ready to put together the very best tracks for your songs.
I'm a composer, songwriter, singer, pianist, guitar player, master, and mixing music producer. I studied 7 years of music as a classic guitar player, I released 3 of my songs and 4 Artists' various songs. I want to share the quality of my job and fill the world with good music.
🎤 Professional Singer, Songwriter, and Multi-Instrumental Editor | Versatile Voice with Industry Experience 🎶
Recent Successes
"Second time working with Camilo, I can confidently say he is truly one of the best in the music business. Extremely patient, understanding, responsive, and professional. Can’t recomend him enough! "
"I felt so lucky that i came across sir Chris Adams. He is very professional with his craft and he is also very generous and considerate. I only sent a raw file and the result he delivered was beyond my expectations. E..."
"Mark is an incredible super human bass player that will exceed your expectations by far. My goodness. Please utilize this man's talent. It's very necessary to take your track to the next level!"
"True to his word, Matt is incredible to work with. He delivers tracks fast without compromising on feeling or cutting any corners. We have completed three tracks so far and have had some great conversations along the ..."
"After7 years i have asked marcelo if he has time to work on my track again. Again it was a plasure to work with him again. it cant be any better he is a masterclass drummer, musican. always focosing on what is the bes..."
"Excellent work! Thank you! "
"Excelent work, very fast and accurate, looking forward to work with him in future projects!"