Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jango Radio
I got the Funk and I got the Jazz... You want some Blues I got that 2.... Looking to change your sound put your money to good use... It will be beyond worth it...
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Im that pyrotechnic for yooo speakers... singer/songwriter/producer....if u dig what u hear lets create :)
-Professional Mixing and mastering. -Song production (specializing in rock, pop, EDM)
I will Professionally Mix your song for radio or streaming ready play.
I am a very enthusiastic person, I've always had good communication, also I can speak English and Spanish very fluently. I consider myself as innovative and experimental with the projects I've worked on, without losing the feeling that has been printed on the music of my client, I can work on pressure with no problem and I always enjoy my work
Years of production going through different genres like French House, Synthwave and Future Bass, i managed to capture several elements of these styles to make exclusive and intense Techno tracks with his personal touch. already signed with more than 10 labels around the world and 2 times TOP 10 beatport Sales.
Hi, I'm May, over the years I've written hundreds of songs in different pop genres, Always focusing on the hooks and keeping it modern.
Ignite emotions with my compositions, where melodies paint vibrant stories and harmonies breathe life. From soaring ballads to pulsating rhythms, I craft music that transcends boundaries and resonates deeply. With my passion and dedication, I bring your vision to life, creating captivating soundtracks that leave a lasting impact. Together, let's em
Recent Successes
"Fantastic work. I've been a fan of Jordii's for years and I finally got to work with him. He didn't disappoint. Hire him if you need great songwriting and check out his solo stuff. "
"It was a great experience and I would certainly work with William again. He went above and beyond to add a solo violin performance to my song based on my original version and created his own original performance to gi..."
"bram is the man ,, what a class job he done on my song first time round ,, perfection mate,, highly recommend this man for the job ,, top class thanks again bram "
"Dude is a legend. Loved working with Nate and can't wait to create more magic in the future. Lets go!! "
"Other than being talented and having a beautiful voice, Jenna also makes working with her so easy, glad I found her and for sure it won't be the last time working with her."
"Ginni is an awesome songwriter! Happy that I found her on SoundBetter! Highly recommend"
"Working with Ashley has been a delighting and efficient process. She's a professional individual who understands our needs very quickly while adding in some of her own thoughts that exceeded our expectations. Thank yo..."
"Audiostein strikes again making the vocals on my new track pop and better then ever!"
"In previous reviews I’ve spoken about the technical ability that Niels possesses, music is all about collaboration and conversation, and when I drop Neils work into my projects it makes me smile because I can hear how..."