Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jam Beatz
15 Years Experience. Platinum selling Songwriting, Award winning Productions, German Top10-Album Charts Mixing.
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I am a professional musician/ producer. I have worked and played at 17th Street Recording Studio in Costa Mesa, Ca for over 20 years. I worked with the Dirty heads, Slightly Stoopid, Sugar Ray, Train, Fortunate Youth and Alice Cooper and many more...
I'm not a magician, but I strive ;)
Autumn Gard is a singer songwriter turned music producer. Over 100,000 views on her YouTube channel and is known for delivering beautiful vocals.
Hello, my name is JD "CakeBoyBally" McCray. I am a 27 year old Music Producer/Recording/Mix Engineer from Greenville, MS. I've worked with many major artists/labels such as YSL, Alamo, etc. I've always wanted to give music to people that speaks emotion and passion into its listeners. I want to create sound that will resonate within people forever!
I'm a multifaceted audio engineer with experience in mixing, producing, performing and sound design. I've learned everything I know from real world cases as well as graduating from The Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences.
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I write bars for artist that need help!!!
Top-shelf upright bassist and recording artist who's recorded on Grammy-nominated albums, and with artists like H.E.R., Joy Williams, Ricky Skaggs, Ben Rector, Marc Scibilia and many more.
Recent Successes
"Gabriele is incredible! He's a highly skilled player, and will get you exactly what you need for your song! Not to mention a quick turn around time as well as the fact that he's easy to work with! Will definitely be..."
"Scott is the ultimate pro! He has an amazing, captivating, brilliant voice and feels the music at its best. He handles wide vocal ranges and gets the job done in a timely manner. Furthermore, he added much more to my ..."
"I happened to have an Asian song that really needed a shamisen (Japanese guitar), and who better to ask than Yasumi, a professional shamisen player based in Tokyo. The man knows how to play!"
"Ruben's percussion tracks were spot-on exactly what our song needed, very inspired playing, and sonically captured perfectly. Ruben was a pleasure to work with, highly recommended!"
"This is my third time working with Sefi and just like always he delivered the best mix and master ever! I trust him 100% with my music and you should too! "
"Emma is very flexible and nice to work with. She has some great ideas to propose for a song and let you to make a choice what you like. This service is rare now. I really felt that it was easy-going to collaborate w..."
"Austin manages to get the perfect mix "
"Great work by Juan once again! I asked him to improvise on a specific part and he sent me 3 takes (instead of just one) from which I can choose my favorite parts. It's been a pleasure working with Juan."
"It's a great experience working with Luciano; he is very kind, attentive, and an extremely talented pianist, always willing to give his best. He meets all the requirements and also adds unique and innovative creative ..."
" Austin did exactly what I imagine on 8 channels stem mastering. This is the best sound that the song I sent can reach. Thank you very much."