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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jacob Banks
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Award winning singer/songwriter based in London with home studio access for recording. Session singer and songwriter having worked in Nashville, London, LA and Ireland for the past 6 years with various studios, producers, artists, etc. Songs placed on ABC TV Nashville, in Irish national television and much more!
Electric and acoustic guitarist. Formerly with Enrique Iglesias. I specialize in rock, pop and acoustic music.
If you like things that sound like: KAYTRANADA, Mndsgn, Pharrell, MJ, Disco, & Lo-Fi House then I'm your guy.
I am a musical artist that also produces and mix my own stuff and I've been doing music for 7 years, I am also a song writer.
A multi instrumentalist Songwriter capable of re-imagining your songs into whatever direction you want to go. 4 albums released (the last featured as New and Notable on BandCamp) - Diverse genres that showcase my versatility as a Producer / Remixer
Seattle-based guitarist who focuses on blues, jazz, indie, and folk music.
Hi, I'm Giuseppe, a producer who might be right for you.
Music Producer, Vocalist, Session Musician & VO Artist. Sound Tech graduated from CEARTEC.
Recent Successes
"It was a pleasure to work with Ben! Highly recommended! "
"The Morrell is a great song because of the great talent on it - a great tribute to a great, legendary BASE jumper buddy lost so long ago - Jonas is fabulous - Thank you sir !"
"We are super happy with what Ghian did with our first song! An unconditional recommendation! We look forward to doing our whole album with him."
"Absolutely fantastic, Hanna is an amazing human being and artist. It’s the second time I’m working with her, she has a lot of beautiful ideas. Thank you Hanna ❤️"
"I had a great experience working with Austin. He's easy to communicate with and has really good ears for the sound and vibe in the music he works with."
"It's always a huge pleasure working with Drew! Highest professional level and an amazing voice!"
"Excellent communication and skills. Looking forward to working together on the next track!"
"Very good slap bass recording on my tune! Hiro is serviceminded and easy to work with."
"Highly recommend him. Enrico is a beast with music. He turned my mix into pure FIRE in the best way possible"
"I Needed Cory Clark on Bass & Guitar On My Remake Of "Are You Going With Me" by Pat Metheny!! Excellent!"
"Great work"