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Jackson Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Over 10 years experience in audio productions, music and audiovisual. I know how to meet my clients needs , including a tight deadline. I am always congratulated for the quality and creativity of my work. I'm passionate and interested in all kind of audio works.
Music is my #1 passion, bringing your record alive through my years of experience in audio engineering would be my pleasure. I love to touch those true tones and fill the space with that emotional feeling of great sound! Friendly, flexible and fast turnarounds! I look forward to earning your business!
Hello! I'm Amir Khan, composer and producer, and I want to help you make incredible music. I specialize in classic electronic and world music genre (but I am accomplished in many other styles as well). <<<I am no accepting new projects>>>
I can play bass on your songs! See some of my credits down below. In addition to remote recording, I can also do custom arrangements/production for your songs. I will respect your art and I'm really good at triad pairs.
I'm a producer, songwriter and mixer. I've worked with Australia's top Pop, RnB, Soul and Hip-Mop musicians to create modern, unique, fulfilling, soulful masterpieces and I just wanna keep on doing it.
With 7 years of producing for artists, groups, podcasts, companies all over the US. I am your one-stop-shop for all things music! I offer Live Drums Tracks (including midi programmed drums), Bass, Piano, Mixing and Mastering, Vocal Editing and so much more!!!!!!!!!!
I’ve performed as a background singer with artists at festivals, religious services, and special events. I specialize creating harmonies, writing chorus’ and would love to collaborate!
Guitarist, Songwriter
Recent Successes
"I am sooooo happy for Kyle's drum playing! So cool and so much energy.. He hits the spot... I can only give Kyle roses for his work.. thanks man! "
"Chris Adams Is The Best Producer On SoundBetter, the most incredible modern day musician of this era, and he is strongly building his way to being the greatest composer of all time history. Chris produced my first en..."
"Seriously talented and professional, my go to guy."
"Magnificent guitar player and very responsible person! It's a pleasure to work with him!"
"Dan is an amazing producer! He is incredibly professional and delivers the highest quality of work. He takes your vision of the song and makes it even better than you thought was possible. It has been a wonderful expe..."
"Marcello is outstanding to work with: great voice, talent, professionalism and willingness to work with your material in the way you need it presented. I cannot recommend Marcello enough!"
"Donal has delivered exactly what I needed for my track. He is a real pleasure to work with and I really like his creativity. He went above and beyond just a single bass part and gave me loads to work with above nailin..."
"Alex is amazing and we truly love what he brings to every song he has played on. "
"This was my second time working with CANCIÓN and he has somehow impressed me even more than before. I couldn't recommend him more highly."