Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with J.B. Barton
I listen, I try to turn the good parts up and the bad parts down, making the project sound as close as possible to what it needs.
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I am a Producer/Musician/Composer/Mixer working with music artists and other creatives to cultivate their sound and purpose.
I am an excellent choice as a session singer! 12 years recording experience , clear crisp vocals, ability to record in multiple genres and to sing lead vocals , harmonies, song write ( lyrics) and prepare top line melody.
Certified audio engineer with 10 years of Audio experience in Live sound, Mixing, Mastering and Music production.
Songwriter, singer, and beginner music producer for artists and songs of different genres such as Indie, EDM, and others.
Welceome - my name is Nikola and I am professional drummer with 20 years experience perfecting my craft behind the drums and with around 6 years of experience in the studio business!
I'm a 29 years Multi-Genre Music Producer
Elevate your music to new heights with the help of top-notch music producers available
Music Producer and Mixing and Mastering Engineer
Recent Successes
"Eric gets 5 stars from me, but 5 stars really isn't enough. I am an extremely picky client, and I went through 3 different vocalists before I landed on Eric. He was very professional. I had him do multiple revisions, ..."
"I was really happy with John's production of my song, and working with him was a breeze. He was quick to respond to feedback as well. Hope to work with him again in the future!"
"Alexander did an awesome job with my track. I came into the project with just a basic acoustic idea and the plan to try and incorporate my acoustic song with some EDM elements, and the track he put together did exactl..."
"Chloe has been a dream to work with! Super talented and professional. She was very accommodating and communicative throughout the project and delivered a flawless vocal performance. Can't wait for the next one, thanks..."
"An absolute pleasure to work alongside! Deza is easy to work with, delivers on time, and is insanely talented with her voice, harmonies, and adding creative elements. She's quite versatile with what she can do with vo..."
"Dibs is amazing!! I had a vocal mix done and he is one of the best vocal mixers I’ve ever had the chance of working with. The vocal mix sounded very clear and of high quality. I would definitely highly recommend him a..."
"One more Job with Marco! Amazing! "
"Quick and very professional "
"This is my third time working with Simon and there's a reason I keep going back. He is not only a JOY to work with, but he is crazy talented. He is so humble about his craft but I'm telling you, he's the real deal. HI..."
"I could not be more pleased with the work that William provided. He really filled out my reggae track with an arrangement that was unique, tasteful, and fit the song perfectly. The audio quality was excellent, and he ..."