Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dunning-Kruger
Hi there! I am a producer, songwriter, mixing and mastering engineer with 11 years of experience. I'll produce your music, no matter what genre it is: pop, rock, indie, orchestral, cinematic, etc.
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More providers:
Am a certified Audio Visual Technician.
We don't sell studio time, we sell VIBES!
Credits with Coldplay, Simon & Garfunkel, Bill Withers, Dream Theater, and more. Mixing/Mastering at the highest possible level. Editing, comping, and tuning with intuitive flow. Keys trax.
Internationally published singer songwriter, album artist, producer, arranger, studio vocalist, accomplished piano player, backing singer, accredited contemporary vocal coach.
Song writer and guitarist for hire on your next project!
A one-stop resource for creative composing, arranging, producing and mixing, Dillon brings 25 years of musical experience to your project. From acoustics to music theory, from composition to audio engineering, Dillon can tie your ideas together into a stunning, unique product that's ready to share with the world.
Member of the recording academy representing the latino and christian/gospel community in the Washington DC chapter. I am blessed to work with several artists every day arranging, recording and mixing beautiful songs for the glory of God.
Hey, I'm Hunter Stafford, an audio engineer specializing in indie rock, grunge, hardcore, metal, bluegrass, and folk. Transforming sonic landscapes is my forte. Ready to elevate your mix to the next level? Let's collaborate and create something extraordinary!
Recent Successes
"This man always does mind blowing work. Thoroughly impressed everytime. Can’t wait to see what’s next"
"Absolutely loved working with Frank, great vocalist, seriously talented and an all round good guy. Great communication throughout and delivered exactly what I needed, total pro A1"
"Chloe is a great singer with a fantastic voice. The handling and communication were just smooth. she works quickly and very professionally. gladly again at any time."
"Skam R'Tist should be on all radio stations across the world. The best storyteller and illest flow in the business.10-stars of perfection:)"
"Matt really is my go-to for production, mixing & mastering. I've worked with him on numerous tracks; he's fantastic at his craft, trustworthy and dedicated. 10/10 on communication every time. Work with Matt, you won't..."
"Seamless experience, Maygen was very prompt and I appreciate her great ideas for background vocals on my blues rock song! "
"Mella is such a pro - she provided excellent harmony/background tracks that took my song up to the next level. Her voice is outstanding and her ad-libs were terrific. She delivered way ahead of her target date and was..."
"11-Star Review! Robin is an "Embarrassment of Riches" when it comes to talent... This is my 2nd project with him and once again, he delivered beautiful tracks + embellishments. This project was a Folk-Pop-Jazz sound a..."
"Joe completed the vocals within a day and they were everything I wanted and more. Joe added so much emotion and feeling to my track, and that warmed my heart. Thank you Joe for contributing to a future hit. "