Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Its Beautiful
If you hear a guitar part in your song I can bring it alive. I am a professional guitarist trained in multiple genres who enjoys working with other artists, songwriters, podcasters, advertisers, and filmmakers.
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I am a producer and recording/ mix engineer From Oklahoma City Oklahoma, my quest is to do the best work for the best price.
In-demand touring/studio drummer/producer with extensive experience in the pop music realm.
Treat yourself to a professional mix and master for an affordable price!
Versatile musician with a grand background of music genres, from ethnic to modern.
ghost writer fore dababy and dee watkins makebeats for everyone
Hey! I'm a Juno award winning producer out of CA! My productions have Millions of Hits on Spotify and Apple Music. My goal is to always lift the artist and bring a song to life that sounds current and stands out! I dig deep to find the heart of a song and want nothing more then to serve my clients in the most respectful and complimenting manner.
Hiphop ghostwriter. I have plenty of written songs, verses, hooks, suggestions for beats. I know longer do hiphop but I occasionally have the urge to write songs or verses for other people. You can check out some of my past songs on SoundCloud under Trey Ace or Painscape Ent or painscapeent I can send you lyrics and you can modify them as much
Recent Successes
"Very Professional, Great communication, made sure the track was more than perfect. Addressed any concerns that we had. Made the track sound better than what you hear on the radio. Defiantly will be a returning Cust..."
"Consistently providing great work!"
"WOWZA! No other words besides that; WOWZA. Yoed was fast to respond and gave me back multiple options to use. His talent for understanding what I was looking for and what the song needed, is awe-inspiring. I can't ..."
"Natalie's gave suggestions in this project just like your own project. her suggestions are highly remarkable. I really looking forward to work with you again because i enjoyed the way she's work. She is great. "
"Robbie is very talented and professional. He did exactly what I wanted. I wish him the very best. He has a good looking future for him. His voice is really clear and powerful. Thank you for the collaboration! 5 stars..."
"Ryan gave me more than I asked for. It was more than just a session. He is a great collaborator. Very fast turnaround and very well played."
"Nate’s a one take wonder. You’ll be happy you worked with him. :)"
"Mark Galup did an excellent job. My song is well-polished and ready for release. The mastering result is great. Thank you. "