Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Intruder Incorporated
I am a Russian recording, mixing and mastering engineer, musician. I am based in the heart of the Southern Urals. In the land of a thousand lakes, among relic pines and centuries-old mountains. I work in my own Goya Recording Studio.
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Gere is the talent behind the board at Producciones Macarras. Endorsed by a good taste for punk hard rock and for the whole 70's plus key references that are all out of doubt, his work means the definitive added value for those bands that will not need to fly anymore to the UK or overseas to meet high standards of quality.
My name is Antoine Martel and I am a producer/session guitarist based out of Montreal QC. I studied composition at McGill University and have spent the last 4 years creating and producing music original music. I've also lent my talents to numerous other projects, and I'm always looking to collaborate.
Founder/ Former Guitar player and composer in Alumine.
Songwriter on the Lumineers' album Cleopatra ("Where the Skies Are Blue"); Currently mastering from my home studio while not working on my own project (Abe Abraham)!
Take your music to the farthest
I'm a EDM producer with 6 years of experience and more than 10 releases on Revealed Recordings, supported by the biggest Artist on the scene like Hardwell, Tiesto, David Guetta and more.
I'm a producer/songwriter. Credits include CBS, ABC, NBC, Disney, Apple TV, Netflix. Songs I've worked on have been featured in over 25 film + tv spots while garnering over 60 million streams + features in Rolling Stone, NPR, SPIN and many more. I believe in delivering a top quality production for midwestern prices.
Hey there, I am a professional composer, producer, arranger, singer and multi-instrumentalist. Anything goes from Classical Music over Funk and Folk to Metal, also vocally.
Recent Successes
"Klaas is great, humble and were understanding. He will for sure give you the top quality you need, for any work. Thanks"
"Enrico is the complete package. He took a mix of a track I had that was pretty bland and boring and literally turned it into a totally new song. Actually gave me a new perspective on producers and just how much of the..."
"Gabriela, a big talented professional, we got 100% of the result of which we wanted in the shortest possible time! We are very grateful for the high-quality and fast work)) We recommend"
"Simply Amazing! "
"Justin is a beast! He works so fast and sends back super high quality recordings. Musically, his choices are always perfect for my records. I highly recommend."
"Tom is an excellent mixing and mastering engineer with a lot of talent and passion. He makes it sound perfect every time. Easy to communicate with."
"Very clear, efficient and timely communication and presentation of results. Versatility and suprising playing ability (and personability)."
"This was a bit tougher to complete but amazingly Davide refused to give hope and Im so pleased we didnt as the results "sing" for themselves - its brilliant! This man is huge! - now the secret is out!"
"Again & Again ! This is the 4th time I've worked with Sara and it's always the same thing, Masterclasses all the time ! A crazy talent as a lyricist 🤩, a level of singing always 10/10 !! I don't know what else to say 😂"