Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with international dj
DJ/Producer from Miami with that true house sound and is a multi genre producer/song writer. Multi Instrumentalist .
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How May I Be Of Assistance?
I am a bass player who loves play songs in pop, rock and R&B styles. My goal is take the song to the best level that it deserves.
Telling compelling stories with the magic of organized sound.
Professional Recording and Mix Engineer based in Nashville, Tennessee.
I compose high-quality orchestral compositions and do midi mockups.
Music composer, producer & arranger for Film, Series, Theater, Videogames & Advertising.
My goal is to let everyone hear your song how you hear it in your head.
mixer, mixing, rock, pop, instrumental
Recent Successes
"The best! Every time."
"That's two tracks Ty mixed for me that were on point with barely any real revisions to make. Ya need a dope mix in not a lot of time he's the one "
"Mr Mig is a pleasure to work with! He is efficient, reliable and elevates songs to such a professional standard for a really reasonable price. Mig is flexible, responds to feedback promptly and offers revisions for no..."
"Matt is definitely one of the best mixers i’ve worked with, his sound quality is superb and he’s really flexible and easy going to work with, Bravo 👏🏾 "
"Dan did an incredible job. If you're looking for fiddle, I would 100% recommend that you go with Dan. "
"I love working with Stephen Carey...major talent (singing, writer and entertainer from his videos)..we have worked on about 16 songs so far including ones that are not finished yet... Being a recording artist myself ..."