Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Insimon
I will help you achieve the sound you're looking for with my love for unique projects and experience in many different genres!
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Walgreens Corporate Story
Hello! I`m a Musician, Songwriter & Sideman since 90`s. Since 2016, I`m working in this loved area as a Music Producer. Here you can find my musical production space: https://ecletikamente-music.bandcamp.com I would love to produce your low-cost project, offering to you my remote mix and digital mastering services.
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With over 750 monthly listeners on Spotify over 50+ tracks, I have learned through trial and error on my own projects about what works and what does not. I would love to bring that knowledge and experience to your project.
As a talented mixing engineer, I blend artistry with technical expertise to sculpt pristine soundscapes that captivate audiences and elevate every musical creation to its fullest potential
As a trumpet player of 22 years, I have had the pleasure of recording two Grammy-nominated albums, major Bollywood films, and and backing artists such as Father John Misty, Bobby McFerrin, Erin Dickins and A.R. Rahman.
With years of experience in the music industry, I ensure professionalism and quality work.
Recent Successes
"Sefi did an AMAZING job mastering my track and I look forward to working with him again."
"Talk about quick and responsive. I defiantly recommend them from a professional stand point. Great equipment as well as great work. Final project flawless."
"Mere Words can’t express my innermost gratitude. She is a unique, very talented artist always willing to go way and beyond to deliver the best. I would be nothing today without her. I also thank almighty God for lead..."
"William is a fantastic musician to work with! I’ve worked with him on numerous projects and he will always be my go to when I need extra instrumentation. I’m always eager to see what he has to bring to any project I t..."
"Very professional work and high quality👍 Definitely recommend if you're looking for top quality mixing & mastering"
"As usual Natalie did amazing, quality work! Looking forward to rocking out again."
"Beautiful! BEAUTIFUL! This project mean a lot to me. This is the first time ever I got goosebump on my own arrangement :( Thank you for doing such a great job, TJ! "
"Rioux V is a (Singer/Songwriter/Rapper) who is incredible talented, he deliver on time, and with quality!, he also acts very professional, and i enjoyed working with him alot! we may have some future projects togethe..."
"Great energie and easy to work with he made the german version of my track such as great as the english one, excellent work thank you🙏"
"Stevie really worked with me to get this track done. A lot of engineers, tend to fold under pressure. Stevie stayed calm and consistent, which is what is needed in this field. I am very pleased with the end result "