Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Indigo Eyes
Clarity, space and taste. Communication is key, let me turn your ideas to another level.
As an artist myself, I understand the intricacies in making a song stand out. Having produced tracks which have garnered millions of streams, and been placed on Editorial Playlists, I can make your track sound professional and polished in a number of different genres.
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Music producer with 100+ million streams. 8 years of professional experience with the biggest studio facilities in Norway. Specialize as a session producer at songwriting camps, hosting 12+ camps a year, meeting 200+ songwriters and artists each year. Work quick and efficient.
Curator and creator of all things audio! Let me help you bring your audio vision into a sonic reality!
As an artist myself, I understand that a mix can make your break your song. I consider myself a perfectionist, so I can guarantee I will give the same attention to detail to your mix as I do with my releases.
I want to support you to make your music a breathing force, full of energy and life. I'm a heart-centered human who believes in writing authentically. Always about a good hang. My voice is airy and mysterious. Dreamy, etherial synth keys are my go to. Hope we can connect soon!
I am specialzated in Worship Mix and Mastering but I can do also another genres😉😊
Record Production · Composition · Mixing/Mastering · Synths/Keyboards
Allen Rix - Music Producer, Sound Designer and Mixing Engineer at Diamond Style, LLC
singer songwriter, guitarist, mixer for any genre other then country.
Recent Successes
"My brother FrankyG has done a fantastic job I have so much respect and love for him. If you want a song written or produced for you, he is the man for the job. He is a very humble guy who has patience with you and alw..."
"Alex is super creative, he has captured the emotion I was looking for absolutely perfectly! Also, we have fantastic communication. Thanks for the beautiful song! I will definitely work with him in the future."
"Amazing job and can't wait to work with Natty again. The delivery time was right on time and communication was easy. Thank you very much"
"Chad is not only a great mixing engineer but he is a true artist ! He captured the essence of my track and managed to give life to it with a super modern sound ! I gave him only few instructions for the mix to allow ..."
"Gabriella always does and outstanding job as a vocalist. She works closely with you and is an excellent communicator. If you want outstanding vocals for your demo, she is the lady to hire."
"Spencer had a quick turnaround and delivered an excellent master. I feel confident in my release after having him work on it. It was a pleasure interacting with him; he went the extra mile to be helpful. 5 star profes..."
"Dennis recorded drums for a song of mine and it was absolutely perfect. I was blown away by his interpretation and skillful playing. I cannot emphasize this enough, Dennis has amazing chops. You will not regret workin..."
"Tom was great to work with. He created a great remix of the song and gave the music its own unique character. I look forward to hearing more from him in the future!"