Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Icanseeyourvoice TV Show
Hi ! I'm Kanom, a full-time singer/songwriter/producer in Thailand making song for those who are starters. Specializing in pop, r&b genre : )
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My Name is AleXander Gentil I am a Mix engineer and Music Producer Based in New York City.I am working at Mercy Sound studios I specialize in Pop/HipHop/R&B/House/EDM/Techno . Feel free to reach out and discuss your project.
(PLEASE CONTACT US VIA OUR WEBSITE @ WWW.AUDIONRECORDING.COM) All communication is done through our website only.
Hi! I'm Jack.
I take great pride in my versatility. I would love to develop a portfolio of songs that spans every genre. I look forward to working with you.
Professional Mix/Master/Producer/Engineer Music with Deep Body & High Spirit
I have contributed to selling over 50 million records worldwide let me help you on your pathway to success.
Mixing engineer, Beatmaker, Music producer with huge passion.
Hi, i am dj nick.
Recent Successes
"Troy provided me with excellent Dobro tracks that matched the feel and style that I was going for perfectly. Fast turnaround, excellent player, and all around pleasure to work with. Highly recommended. "
"Brooke has an amazing voice!! She was very professional, easy to work with, and ask great questions. We are very pleased with her final work."
""client comes first" — the ever-so-common catch phrase. Brandon, however, delivers on this through action, not just promise. Throughout the process, Brandon was extremely professional, communicative, and went above an..."
"Good job Leo!"
"I love the piano part Kerry created for my jazz-inspired song. Great jazz solos where I requested them, and supporting parts where other instruments take the lead. Excellent sense of timing, slots into my project perf..."
"Rita was amazing to work with. She took an interest in my song understanding the genre and aesthetics as well as having a vision for where I wanted to take the sound. She communicated well and I would definitely wor..."
"Sefi has now mixed and mastered 5 of my Songs and everyone he does turns out beyond my expectations. A consummate professional, an absolute gentlemen with the patience of a saint and a complete pleasure to work with."
"Fran amazes me everytime I love this work more than words can say! He brings stories to life, he deserves so much, brilliantly talented! Working with him is inspiring 🤍"
"Amazing guitarist!! Thank you, again!"
"Very friendly, professional and is willing to make any changes and when he does he totally understands and delivers your requests as told. Mix and masters and high quality as well."