Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with I'm Musician Artist
I'm Musician Artist, from Nigeria to India
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Push Mastering provides affordable high end analogue mastering services.
I am Miles Slaughter im from Los Angeles i recently graduated from pinnacle college. I have started a production team with some friends from school called the Kore and my record label is called Mass Slaughter Productions. We have finished our first album and im currently working on other projects for some new artist
Top producer, mixer and mastering engineer in the Dallas-Forth Worth area. Look no further if you want your music taken to the next level!
If you check out my website you will see that I have worked with a very wide variety of genres including but not limited to; jazz, rumba, gospel, indie, blues, rock, and heavy metal. I thoroughly enjoy working with any genre. To me every project is a chance to showcase my skills while also learning something new.
I can help with most any projects Just message me and we can figure it out.
Contemporary guitar tracks for pop, rock, R&B and country songs.
Türk (Dj) , Music Producer , Remixer
Classical pianists, Perform in all kinds of places, ambience’s, & settings Open to any kind of collaborative ideas & events
Recent Successes
"Alex is an incredible talent and so great to work with. Funny and lighthearted attitude but his results are all business. His vocal talents are one of a kind. When you work with Alex you are getting a product that ..."
"Andres nailed the master. Sounds clean and powerful. He let me tweak an issue in the mix and reupload it, and then he sent me a new master less than a day later. Great to collaborate with!"
"Bryan did a great job. He sent the parts quickly and they sounded great. I hope to work with him again."
"Emile and Rhythm G. Partner, Guys- "You're Simply The Best". This is the 2nd time working with Emile and OMG! He is the greatest.He played some bad ass ready sick Bass track on my song "Show Me". And his partner gave ..."
"There isn’t another producer out there I’d rather work with. His attention to detail and the way he brings a song to life is beyond amazing!"
"Peter has done an excellent job. He wrote some parts for a track we are working on and is very in tune with what we are trying to achieve. He played both trumpet and flugelhorn and the playing and recording quality wa..."