Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Vxlentine
'Quality at your desire' Im all about the quality of getting your music sounding fresh and alive. A great accomplishment for me is that I have been able to work with many up and coming artists who just have the love and passion for music and built a great connection with them. My aim is to do the same with whoever I work with.
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I can do anything lyrically, top-line, vocally. I am a singer/songwriter/vocal producer/engineer. I was a linguist for 10 years, so I understand "language" in a way that, for me, is not just about the words, but how they feel when leaving your mouth; or hitting your ears. There's a psychology. It's about how you deliver them. Intention.
We are a young group of three musicians based in Nuremberg/Germany.
Following the vision to merge different forms of media with music/audio specifically tailored to enhance user experiences.
Classically trained Mezzo-Soprano turned singer-songwriter, specializing in warm ethereal vocals and haunting harmonies. I am passionate about creating music that is dynamic and unique.
Mixing Engineer
I create extravagant, audiophil, earfriendly smooth Mixes.
Hello, my name is Michael Kang, who mainly writes, composes, and produces edm genres in Korea. My official name is DistroBeats. I hope to interact with many musical communion in the future.
I’m Vxlentine, a passionate and experienced Singer-Songwriter and Vocal Engineer with over 10 years of experience in creating music. My journey has equipped me with a deep understanding of both the creative and technical aspects of music production.
Recent Successes
"i love to work with this guy!! he has a great workflow and he is always in time!!! this man it's the bomb!"
"As always, David did a great job on the bass track I sent him! highly recommended "
"I've just finished working on a song with Raf and I'm extremely happy, so happy in fact that I've entrusted him with the entire production of my forthcoming album, an additional 9 songs. It's obviously important to f..."
"Awesome working with Austin! Amazing mix, so happy with the final result, thank you! 100% recommend!"
"The talent level is amazing. If you're looking for that "pro" industry sound then this is her! Thank you again Kirsty."
"Austin Is very awesome at what he does. I sent him the instrumental and vocal stems for the song and He mixed and mastered them perfectly. Midway through, I noticed I sent the wrong vocals and he still put in the work..."
"Michael is a professional who understands what is needed for the track, and has the ability to deliver. A great talent, a wonderful ear for music and strong communication and commitment to timelines. What more can one..."
"Favorite trumpet player! Kills it every time!"
"Best of the best! managed to mix and master the entire album with outstanding professionalism, patience and artistry "
"Jaki is an absolute rockstar. I've worked with Jaki for years across multiple projects. She provides absolutely amazing services, is incredibly knowledgeable on all things music, and the very best in the business at w..."