Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Hrishi
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Up to this time in Turkey since 1990 in a variety of national radio and I have experience as a dj in disco club. I have also released a couple of singles and albums as remixer producer. My thoughts on music and different ideas available
TV/Film Composer based in Los Angeles, CA & Austin, TX. I have signed a handful of non-exclusive sync deals with professional music publishers such as Position Music, Concord Music Publishing, Pink Shark Music, and some other independent music publishing companies. Let's chat and finish up your catalog!
im the worst
I sing from the heart and express through voice!
I bet we can add horns to your track in a way you hadn't considered. Session/arranging cred: Frankie J, San Diego Symphony, Mrs Henry, The Sure Fire Soul Ensemble
Hrishikesh Datar is an Indian Singer/Songwriter, Music Composer, Producer, and Independent artist based in Pune, India. Raised in the renowned family of Indian classical music, He Pursuing his love for songwriting, his music brings together a variety of genres, styles, and instrumentation.
Producing, Arrangement, Session Musician ( Bass & Guitar El Guitar) Writing, Mixing And Mastering
Sound artist
Recent Successes
"Really loved working with Salvador- he was always willing to go the extra mile and produced a beautiful piece of music for us to work with "
"Really excellent mix from Ken here, as always. An exceptional final product delivered in a timely and professional manner. Ken's attention to detail, creativity, and keen mixing intuition shines through. Looking forwa..."
"Patrick is insanely talented. I was blown away by the 1st song he did. Now that he’s completed 5 songs, I’m kind of at a loss for words. Each song is totally different and unique, yet still cohesive. That is so hard t..."
"Really enjoyed working with Ana on this. She has such a lovely voice and is a gifted songwriter too. She helped write the song including lyrics & melodies, and went above and beyond to come up with harmonies. She’s al..."
"Ethan does an awesome job of building songs with great arrangements, vocals and guitar tracks. His guitar skills are top notch as is his ability to tell a story vocally. Vocals and specially the top line with intere..."
"Back to Yoed for the 3rd time. Again he did an amazing job arranging and playing strings "
"So so nice to work with JT :) brought so much talent and creativity to the project and such a pleasure to work with. "