Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Howling Music
I'm here to make your music pop.
I'm a music industry professional here to help you realize your final musical product, whether that's fixing, editing, mixing, mastering for final delivery, or a complete full production from the ground up. I've played and produced music professionally for 30+ yrs and appeared on various major label releases as well as hundreds of Film/TV shows.
Value and accessibility through organic production, innovative sound design, and compelling mixes. I provide artists with recordings that stand out in an over-saturated market by integrating production characteristics from multiple genres. Add quality to your songs with creative production & mixing from someone who listens beyond the faders.
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Hi, I'm Jon Lillo and I love to sing! Check my demo reel. Singer and vocal producer with a commercial recording studio in Toronto, Canada. Quality vocals, no-hassle, let's have some fun!
Session musician with ability to deliver tracks on pedal steel guitar, fiddle, and mandolin at a professional level with quick turnaround.
mixing & mastering more than 80 single track and 18 albums in deferent genre produce and arrangement more than 100 single track
I compose music for Pop and Folk songs and Chanson Francaise styles. I play various instruments (piano and keyboards, guitars and bass, drums) and perform or supervise recording sessions to produce demos
Ingeniero de grabación y mezcla, trabajando con Pro tools y Studio One. Créditos en co-producción, grabación, mezcla y mastering: El sol de los Gitanos de: José Panzekito Jr. Créditos en grabación: La Vampiresa de Ariel Ragues Créditos en grabación y mezcla: Almas de Jorge Gamboa Patron
Already working in music industry since 2014. I have some tracks that I prod/co-prod signed to Universal, Warner, Sony, Armada and more. Supported by some major radio stations internationally and a lot of artists/producers in worldwide community.
I specialize in giving your records a gritty and unique edge. In production and mixing
Singer-songwriter, keyboardist and composer. Experimental sound artist and performer
Recent Successes
"Josh did a great job editing a multitrack for me. Fast & flawless work. "
"Neil is an awesome producer and mixing engineer. He recently produced a song for me titled: "We Stand United." Everyone who listens to the song is mesmerized and impressed. The guitars, drums, strings, and everything ..."
"I love working with Shrai. He is incredibly gifted and keeps creating these beautiful in depth mixes that stimulate different parts of your mind. He is so accommodating and very open to any suggestions. He is very eas..."
"Austin is the absolute man! He nails the mix every time and provides with multiple version, which I personally love!"
"A pleasure to work with Rob again. Always feeling safe, sending my projects to him. Clear communication and a quick turn-around. Rob is highly skilled and he has my full recommendation."
"Always top quality. Benni always delivers top quality, and it's a huge pleasure to work with him! Such a cool dude and amazing engineer. If you after professionalism, you just found it ;) "
"So glad I found this guy, amazing!"
"Another great experience working with a master of art and sound. Mr Ohad always goes above and beyond delivering a clean cut clarity product! Thank you once again for taking it to the next level. "
"Jay was a treat to work with. Went above and beyond to make sure everything I wanted out of the song was achieved. He was very easy going and made it very easy to communicate with. I had ideas how it would all turn ou..."
"Working with Ashley was great!"
"I really enjoy working with John on all our songs! He brings such fun, creative energy to them and we always come away with something to be proud of! "
"Brilliant players and sensitive arrangements. friendly and helpful. Really excellent results, I would highly recommend Simon and Tim if you need a horn section. "