Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Honey-B-Sweet
Songwriter and producer of original Alternative, Indie, and Electronic songs. Written songs with Geena Fontanella, Ivy Marie, Shelby Noble, Tara Louise, Maisie May, Honey B. Sweet, Pilar Icazuriaga, Sara De Santis, and Sol Vk. Worked with producers mixing engineers Heath Ripplinger, Chris Schweizer and Jacob Montague
I create stunning feature verses in an edgy and provocative style for your pop or hip hop single.
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15 years working with best selling local and international artists. 10 Gold/Platinum/Multi-Platinum Records. 3 Local award-winning Records.
I will smash your song, hook or jingle with killer vocals!
el genio de las rebajas
HIDDEN TECHNOLOGY “ON DISPLAY” AT WINTER OLYMPICS I noticed an interesting feature on some equipment being used by the competitors in this year’s Olympics.
I'm Fuzy - Andres Simon, Berlin based Guitarist, Writer and Producer Playing for the song, Pocket! Genres: Funk, Pop, Rock, Soul, House, Working for Universal Production Music, as well as German and International Artists. Credits: Meresha, Neo Unleashed, Hansa Studios,
Beatmaker / Guitarist / Producer / Composer
Recent Successes
"Varun did awesome work. Not only were we happy with the sound, but he also caught some areas that could be cleaned up in our mixes, and provided us with all the file formats we need for various releases. Turnaround ti..."
"Jimmy is just spot on. I always like his work, and he just seems to get the sound every time. Very much recommended! Thanks Jimmy :-)"
"Patrick has above average skills. His voice has that certain something. Unique, warm, incredible! It was an honor and a pleasure to work with him."
"Marphil is the definition of what a true professional is, insane voice, insane skills, and very very quickly. I’ll obviously work again with him ! One of the best options!"
"You found your demo singer here. Don't spend anymore time perusing the site. Spend your time on your song and then send it to Stephen. It's that simple; Stephen will maker it sound like a record."
"Always an amazing piano track from Michael. The best I have found online. Great feel, communication, and eager to get it righ. Though he has NEVER had to do a second take for me. "