Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Holden Miller
I'm as passionate as you are about making your music sound the best it can be.
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Brian Hammermeister has over a decade of production and audio engineering experience, as well as a wealth of technical knowledge. He has worked with some of the top Gospel and Blues players in Chicago including Terry Moore, Richard Gibbs, Khari Parker, Sunday Best's Maurice Griffin, Melvin Taylor, Studebaker John, Wil Crosby among many others
Specialized in organic sounding beats, complex rhythms, dubby atmospheres and saxophone lines of any genre...
I have 20 years of experience in the music industry, both mainstream and underground. Afrobeat, House, r&b and Tropical are some of the many styles I can work with!
I'm a Los Angeles based music producer who has a futuristic R&B sound. I work in Ableton Live. I love working with new artists.
I am a classically trained singer and cellist with 12 years of conservatory training. I specialize in everything relating to voice (lead, stacks, harmonies, tuning, comping) and am fluent in r&b, pop, jazz, folk, and classical voice.
I'm a Norwegian Mixing Engineer, and I will gladly mix your music, providing you with a dynamic and beautiful sound. I also play guitar/synth, write songs and offer my services in music production. I'm always looking for a new challenge!
Warm, soulful and filled with emotions. I am Feyva - a singer, producer, songwriter and multiinstrumentalist. Starting of as a background singer, I'm performing shows on my own just with my piano, guitar and self-produced instrumentals. Through working with professionals, I gained experience in recording vocals and getting a feeling for harmonies.
Self-employed award-winning artist producing online publications, including several brand new iTunes songs
Recent Successes
"Wow!!!! Excellent services, fast and the mastering is awsome! I Highly recommend! Thanks"
"These Guys did an AMAZING job on writing a killer song for my project. They where very understanding and patient in what I wanted with this track. I would highly recommend TheBigSound, very professional. And we gonna ..."
"Eileen always knows how to put your track on the next level with her voice! We have worked on so many tracks already, can't wait for the next one :)"
"Another successful project with Eddy mastering two versions of a track for a label release. Very happy with the service provided, very very prompt and always endeavours to explain what improvements have been made to..."
"FAVIA was nothing short of absolutely amazing! From song writing to vocals, she elevated my instrumental mile beyond what I had imagined. Definitely recommend!! "
"I have piles of gold records and i choose Antar as my session bass player. Great feel, great tone, reliable, great parts. He laid down a great groove for this record. Thanks until the next one!! - Ken Lewis"
"Another great work with Phil. He went above and beyond to deliver what I wanted. Really talented vocalist with a silky voice!"