Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with hödöö
If you are looking for a different sound in your songs, such as traditional Mongolian throat singing. Feel free to contact us!
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I love to listen. Music is my life. Touring - Live Sound FOH Mixing Engineer Studio recording and Mixing Sound Designer for Installs and Venues. 30 Years of Experience with Audio
If you're looking to differentiate your sound, or polish it up to be more commercial friendly while maintaining what makes you YOU, you've come to the right place. I've had over 7 releases on the popular "New Music Friday" Spotify playlist as both a writer and producer. My productions have garnered 10 million + streams collectively.
Mixing and Mastering engineer based in Los Angeles, CA, USA.
I am a DJ/Producer and sound engineer, I create radio quality tracks for myself and for others. 8 Years experience
I have spent the last 10 years within the music industry from performing with several bands, recording, editing, mixing and mastering for my own work and for others. I am starting my own Music Production company with a colleague of mine called All Father Audio. I am offering all musical services so please get in touch.
Worked with Bill Bellamy, Charlie Mack, King David. Before you google me, Google them and see their track record and accomplishments in the industry.
Do you have a track idea that needs that final push to sound huge, release ready and Within a worth-while price?
EDM/POP Music Producer. Emotional, Progressive And Catchy Melodies. Amazing Mixes With Loud And Clear Master.
Recent Successes
"Fantastic job! I was really blown away by their performance. Jonas and the team absolutely nailed the job!!"
"Grade A, per usual. Always a pleasure, thank you Alex!"
"Your project is safe in Ryan's hands. He delivers an amazing performance each time. Great Vocals, Harmonies and Communication. Ryan brings his all and will make your song better for it! "
"Sunnie Williams assisted me by providing lead and backing vocals to one of my songs. She delivered clean, clear, well-engineered,and intelligently organised vocal stems. I became aware during her work on the project t..."
"Just wrapped up my first album working alongside Chris and what a great experience it's been. Chris made my recordings sound professionally mixed and he was a joy to work with him. Can't reccomend him enough! Thanks C..."
"it's beautiful, makes you wanna dance and cry goddamit!! sounds awesome man! I've heard the song 100x & now it's nice to listen to it & enjoy it without thinking about the mix. It's warm where it needs to be & like w..."