Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with hiphop beats
Music Producer Creds .Ray J, Lil Zane, Cali Swag, New Boyz, FatBoy SSE, Super Sako, Tohi, Eyad Tannos Recognized on BET, Starz, Fox, OWN TV, UFC, 50 Cent (BMF) Gflow Music isn’t a stranger to International media platforms. Proud brand collaborations include Fenty Beauty, viral line owned by the iconic Rihanna.
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THE Studio and engineers for Recording, Mixdown and Mastering. Specialized for guitar music!
I've been working professionally in the music industry for almost 3 years now and part time 5 years previous. I love mixing work and designing sound scapes
Jamie McArdle is an electronic pop music producer and mixing engineer based out of New York City.
Female Singer/Songwriter
Professional Mixing Engineer & HipHop Producer based in Studio7twenty Cologne Germany
I've worked across the globe playing piano, keys and B3 with performers from Broadway and West End, jazz cats from New York and LA and gospel and RnB players from Nashville and Down South. From reading, playing by ear and improvising since I was a child I have a lifetime of absorbed musical influences to share with YOUR music - so let's go!
I take ideas, stories and experiences and I turn them into songs.
Quality vocals with a fast turnaround.
Recent Successes
"He mastered my track in one go round!! AGAIN... HE'S THE REAL DEAL"
"Super fast and very detailed! :)"
"We’ve done a few songs together already and I’m not looking for anyone else anytime soon! If you’re looking for a whole production, Killian is your guy. We’ve been creating amazing songs together. "
"I think Killian must be world famous producer,he made an amazing job on my song.Amazing guy with an amazing talent!wohooo,I m happy happy person now!Killian rules!!!!"
"Great engineer that’s very knowledgeable, professional and responsive! "
"Wonderful singer who interpreted the song exactly how we wanted it. We're very pleased and would like to work with him again in the future."
"Joe is an absolute Monster Behemoth of a bass player. I have Joe play on all my music projects and now I refuse to look behind me at the life I used to live before him. Now, and get this, I needed Joe to do some vid..."