Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Himera
Having worked with Hannah Diamond & Himera and released a track on a PC Music compilation, hyperpop holds no secrets for Olipra. Making music inspired by SOPHIE, A. G. Cook and Charli XCX since 2016, they’ll know how to turn your electronic sugar-coated sonic fantasies into reality.
All round creative who has a decade worth experience in music production, sound design and mixing/mastering. My sound work has been involved in exhibitions and residencies such as Corsica Studios (UK) and FLORIDA (Germany), with releases with Arca, Klahrk, Lapsung and many more.
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Sonic Gods is an industry leading music solutions company aimed at helping independent artists create a product that enables them to stand out.
I am essentially a one-stop-shop for anything music related. :)
I am here to help you get your mix sounding just the way you want it while prioritizing customer service. I have mixed for many artists across all different genres including hip-hop, pop, EDM, rock, folk, and many others. Check out my before and after demos.
High quality music productions in all areas of composition, mixing and mastering - Composer for BMG label 'The Home Of Happy' - electronic music specialist.
Musician, mixer, producer and fixer. I can turn your idea into a masterpiece, fix problems in your recording, mix your songs, make VST drum tracks sound real, play parts or even pitch correct.
I'm a producer, mix engineer and bassist working with up and coming artists to take their initial ideas and elevate them to higher standards. Credits include the BBC, Lumarie, Em Risley, Abs, Tom Featherstone and more.
Having worked with Hannah Diamond & Himera and released a track on a PC Music compilation, hyperpop holds no secrets for Olipra. Making music inspired by SOPHIE, A. G. Cook and Charli XCX since 2016, they’ll know how to turn your electronic sugar-coated sonic fantasies into reality.
Recent Successes
"Stevan was super accommodating and patient guiding me through the process never having done it before and needing a hip hop style backing track building up from scratch... He was tireless in his energy and kept goi..."
"Adam is legit the best engineer i ever worked with. He makes your vision come to life and clearly puts in a ton of effort to make sure it sounds the way you want it/really professional. GOATED"
"Excellent to work with! Great supporting artist who takes excellent direction! Much Love for Damvic! Multi genre recording artist! Fantastic!"
"Great vocals and arrangement. He hit all the right notes. I will definitely be using Chris again. I highly recommend him. Jack Kaleas"
"Amazingly nice, super quick and efficient! Thank you so much Joasia for your work! "
"Responsive, great ear, receptive to notes and my minute little tweaks, Dan was an awesome mixer to work with."
"there aren't many words to define Sepehr! I can only say that he is a great professional with fantastic skills! with him you are in good hands"
"Austin is amazing ! Highly recommended"
"An absolute pleasure to work with. The mix, the clarity, the punch....very impressive. Sudds is the guy you want."