Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Heenaye
Music Producer | Mixing Engineer | Beat Maker
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I am excited to support you in taking your song(s) to the next level! I offer: Studio Session Work (keys/rhythm guitar/bass) Mixing/Mastering Top-lining/male vocals Coaching (song writing/melody development) Song production
With over 15 Million + streams and signed to NCS. I've worked with artists from UMG, Spinnin' Records, Sony, etc and helped them achieve their vision. Been producing for 7+ years. My work is creative, detailed, exciting, next level. I go extra mile to achieve Perfection and Artist Satisfaction. Product Delivery time: 1-2 Days.
Music Producer with over 20 years of experience. Mixing & Mastering Engineer. Keyboardist.
I sing to express my emotions, and I rap to put yours in motion. If you looking for a fresh yet known sound, holla at me!
I will professionally mix your pop and indie music!
AFFORDABLE & High Quality $200 Mix & Master. Specialising in Electronic / House Music. Get a high-end, professional sounding Mix & Master Engineer. Worked with talented local & international artists - producing and polishing multiple projects to be radio ready and the best possible version.
DRUMMER, MIXING ENGINEER I will record real drums with HQ audio for your songs. (or) I will mix your project with HQ hybrid chain (Solid State Logic, API, Pultec, API)
Recent Successes
"As always quick and good job from Ziv"
"Dan has an excellent ear and works very fast. He helped me dial in my kitchen recorded demos and turned them into high fidelity songs accepted by Spotify playlist curators and written about by music bloggers. I had ab..."
"This was my third time working with Gab, he's a pleasure EVERY single time and such a talented guitarist! There doesn't have to be a doubt in your mind that he will do exactly what you want and work with you until you..."
"Amazing mastering, make my song sounds really lively"
"Giovanni is a solid choice for anyone in need of a professionally and creatively recorded drum part. I have worked with him on several occasions and the result has always exceeded my expectations."
"Solid review, super patient and gave us a lot of flexibility"
"I'm simply overwhelmed by the results. it is a honor to work with her. The song has become outstanding with her wonderful, unique voice ! thanks a lot! i come back for more, sure. "
"Goran is your guy when it comes to professional composing. He REALLY knows his stuff and I can't emphasize it enough. Very pleasant to work with and has no problem sharing his process so you can also learn from him as..."
"It's always a pleasure working with Elliot. He mastered my album flawlessly and was patient when I needed to make some changes in a couple of the mixes. Always very professional, responsive, and friendly. If you haven..."