Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Haylee
Want to stop worrying about nailing your mixdown? Here is your solution! Do you love making music but mis the skills to bring the song to your desired level? No worries, after releasing more than 15 songs (all fully mixed by me) and over 650.000 streams it is time to offer my skill set to other people as well!
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Semi Finalist on X Factor Los Angeles Performed at NAMM show
Heya! I can write & record in a broad spectrum of musical styles, primarily playing guitars (classical, electric, bass).
Hey, I‘m Silence and I provide timeless high-end quality in my beats and my mixes. I work fast and exactly to your needs. Hire me to get you songs to the next level!
Professional Songwriter for Sony Music Publishing, Ninja Tune, and EMI PM. Songs featured in Kevin Hart's "Zero F***s Given" on Netflix, Hulu's " Little Fires Everywhere," All American, The Rookie on ABC, Step Up: High Water, Vinyl Destination w/ DJ Jazzy Jeff, FOX Sports, UFC, and many more.
After releasing 2 EPs of original songs and moving to LA at 19, I have become very involved in the music scene here, cowriting for other artists, pitching songs for sync, and providing vocals for everything from award shows to artist projects.
Striking melodies and birds
Soy compositor , arreglista y productor desde hace mas de 15 años. Quizá uno de mis puntos fuertes es la versatilidad, la originalidad. Y cuando se requiere un sonido propio y con personalidad. He trabajado para series de televisión, películas, LPs y publicidad. Tengo trabajos para podcast, teatro, jingles y soundtrack de películas.
Releases W/ Insomniac, Repopulate Mars, Mau5trap, TECHNE +More- FAST & 100% Original Vocals
Recent Successes
"Charlie is an incredible musician and producer! He worked on my first single with me and he was extremely easy going, and welcoming. He made me feel comfortable and did an amazing job on the single. If you are looking..."
"You can teach somebody how to run gear, but you canʻt teach an ear how to hear! Tyree got both and put an end to our costly$$$ search for the right fit. If you tired of blowin dough stop here!"
"Jeff gave me a detailed analysis of my song and made excellent recommendations for taking it to the other level. It is clear he shoots for the highest quality in his work. I'll continue working with him."
"Cora did an amazing job and has such a great voice! She always has great ideas and able to take direction in order to help deliver a vision. She's a true professional, responsive, and always a pleasure to work with! "
"Alex was great to work with. Very polite and prompt with responses and revisions. The drum sound and playing are absolutely spot on and could not have asked for anything more. I hope to use Alex in my future projects."
"Austin is patient and kind. His mixing skills are superb and creative. This is my second song with him, and it definitely won’t be my last. What a talent! "
"Adam brightened up the sound and brought more space into it. Everything sounds so much more present, especially the guitar solo. I didn't know the mix, which I really liked, could be improved so much. Golden Ears! 💯💪🏆"
"Exceptional musician/ artist!"
"Jack is truly the best. Everything always runs seamlessly with him! He is a great person to include on your team--thoughtful, patient, and really, really good at what he does. "