Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Hawkins and the Upside Down
I'm a music producer that specializes in hip hop and lo-fi music, but I'm also able to do orchestral songs or house, something for Christmas or with 80's vibes. I love to create a universe, to give an identity to my songs. All of that will help me respond to your needs! Check my work for examples (for more examples about a specific genre ask me).
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With more than 10 years of experience as a sound engineer and music producer in major recording studios in NYC, i got to work with top notch artists and learned to craft master pieces. (The Game, Nipsey Hussle, Busta Rhymes, Pitbull, Jim Jones and many others). As an artist myself I have a full vision on all aspects of the creative process !
Mixing and Recording is more than just reproducing a sound. I bring a slice of myself into the mix process through my musicianship and creativity. In fact creativity is the most important aspect of my engineering, it is the driving force of everything that I do.
If you need the perfect verse or hook to bring your song together I am your guy. With over 6 years of experience, I know how to set you apart.
Desbow is Desbow
Affordable prices and passionate engineers! We will not only elevate the production of your music but are also all full time musicians, and will not be afraid to provide constructive critics and ideas to better your craft. It also possible to have music written for you. We are very patient, effecient and dedicated, come work with our team!
I'm a versatile songwriter with the ability to craft memorable music that resonates with audiences. Whether you're an emerging artist looking to launch your career or an established musician seeking to expand your repertoire, I can help you bring your musical vision to life. Let's collaborate to create the next big thing in music.
Recent Successes
"Alina is an absolute pleasure to work with! She is timely, professional, and really brings life to the track! I would definitely recommend her to anyone!"
"She's worth every penny"
"Judy contributed piano, organ and/or synth tracks for almost every song on my upcoming album. I couldn't be more pleased with how everything turned out. Pretty much everything she submitted was perfect without a singl..."
"This was my first time on SoundBetter and also my first time working together with someone else on a song. Eileen provided both professionalism and guidance that made this a great experience. Her ideas made the song e..."
"Always a pleasure working with Giancarlo. Very professional and does great work."
"Great to work with Lukas again. Love the production & guitars, really happy with how it turned out!! 👌🏼"
"Second time working with Aaron and hopefully won't be the last! Professional, quick to respond and really cleaned up the track and brought it to life. Highly recommended! "
"Great work as always by Andres. He works with you to get you what you need in a timely manner. I also love how I can send him a reference track I like and he can use it to make your master very similar. "
"Ben was an absolute pleasure to work with. He added so much expertise and creativity to my project, and is just such a nice guy! After he sent the first draft of my song over to me, we did a revision session virtually..."