Harmonica in Bozeman
I have written over 60 songs that I perform on a regular basis (15 years and over 1400 live shows). I wrote the lyrics, arrangement, melody, hook, riff, etc.I recorded the songs and also record as a Voice over actor.
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I make music, playbacks and karaoke versions , video and gaming musical scoring.
Developed by a true scholar of the sound & music industry, The Electric Shop specializes in the refining & finishing phases of post-production for hip hop and pop music. Driven by an insatiable desire to bring art to life through sound & music, TES is fully equipped to bring the highest caliber of sound engineering to any listener & audience.
I am a Recording Artist, Vocalist, and Producer. I've sung with top level professionals (Childish Gambino's Coachella 2019, Gloria Trevi and Alejandra Guzman's Versus Tour) and am well versed in singing in any style, with a trained ear for lead and harmonies. I've written on multiple projects, and play keys professionally. Well versed w/ Logic Pro.
Digital age Mixing and Mastering engineering. Technology is moving fast, luckily I'm one of those in the lead with my techniques and tools. Unique and polished sound guaranteed.
I'm a credited Billboard Top 100 singer/songwriter and producer who is looking to help you make your project. From mixing/mastering, stem recording or songwriting, you'll get the sound you hear "in your head" into listeners ears. I specialize in: Contemporary Christian/Worship, Singer/Songwriter, Folk, Indie-Pop, Americana, and able to do others.
Awards winning violinist and composer, filmmaker
I'm here for the music, not the money. Professional quality without ripping you off. As a musician and producer for over 10 years, I have a trained ear and the experience necessary to turn any piece of work into a work of art.
Metal, pop and rock specialized. I like to incorporate urban sounds in heavy music to create a unique smooth sound.
Recent Successes
"I hired Greg to rework some covers I had been working on to give them more nuance and space in the recording in preparation for an original album I'm working on. Greg was very communicative and took feedback very well..."
"The work was done on time and at a pro level. I'd highly recommend Tony. Sergei"
"John nailed it on the first take. We tried out other options but the first one was perfect. Would love to work with him again. True professional."
"A pleasure to work with! Great voice, great sound! Great communication in the process. "
"Brianna is a really talented cellist and I will definitely reach out to her again in the future! She was great at taking direction, and the delivery was very fast and seamless. Her ability to learn my difficult Bossa ..."
"Great to work with. 100% professional and very nice person. Great voice. Definitely not our last Collab."
"Absolutely the most professional, talented and awe inspiring Musician, Producer and Writer anywhere! Anything you throw at Alessandro He will deliver and More! Incredible Vocalist! Incredible Professional! Incredible..."
"Chris is such a talented soul. He created the perfect vibe in the production with a great sense for melodies. Highly recommend :) "