Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with H4LFBKRN
Wanna Sound like a big rock band? I'm the One!
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Grammy nominated, diamond awarded producer, mixer and head engineer @Dean Street Studios, London. 20+ years of recording studio experience
My name is Sam Osborn, a graduate of Case Western Reserve University's Audio Recording program. With six years of recording, mixing, and mastering experience, I aim to give musicians the highest quality recordings. I have experience with most genres, namely rock, hip-hop, pop, and classical.
Hey! My name is Michael and I am specialist Mixing Engineer from Northern Ireland. My area of expertise is in Singer-songwriter and Commercial Rock music. I have spend over 10 years perfecting my skills in mixing these genres and know exactly what needs done to bring clarity and impact to your mix!
I have everything you need. Mix, Master, Producer, Musician, Songwriter, and Artist. All right here, fam!
If you are looking for a clean bass line with crisp drums, look no further. I specialize in ensuring that any song that is processed by me, ends clean, professional, and radio-ready. I have several releases on Trap Nation, Lowly Palace, and Barong Family under the artist name Teddibear.
Beats de impacto e com rapidez!
An ever-evolving RnB/Pop Artist/Songwriter/Music producer with a unique sound, originally from India . Released an Album on Spotify, Apple Music etc. Got signed on a track to collaboration with another artist.
The Lord knew not to give me a good singing voice, otherwise I would've travelled the world doing live shows right now, instead I'm just writing poems & songs about feelings no one knows about.
Recent Successes
"Just when I thought it couldn't get any better..Marcello is a vocal wizard!! Pulls ideas I could never dream up, out of his hat. You can check out "Birds and Bees" @ www.bol-z.com if you want to check out how amazi..."
"El Mejor!! He trabajado varios temas con Leo y siempre me le aporta un gran nivel y mucha calidad a cada una de las canciones!! 100% recomendado"
"Very dope producer. His beats are dope. "
"Was a pleasure working with Arianna, she has an amazing voice and she was able to translate the idea I had on mind into reality, she delivered the vocals super fast and so on point that wasn't much to revise. definete..."
"Quincy is a GREAT professional! Fast delivery and good price! Recommended"
"Zach is continuously amazing! He’s the first person I reach out to when I’m ready to write a song. I’ve never finished a job disappointed. He’s a joy to work with every single time."
"Working with Rory was very easy and efficient. He delivered amazing results, will definitely recommend him. 5 stars easily"
"Nate is an incredible drummer and he's the one I count on for all of my songs. He's professional, concise, and an incredibly friendly collaborator. You will be very pleased that you decided to work with Nate!"
"Sean Killeen delivered a killer hook and top-tier vocals for my latest track. His songwriting is sharp and catchy, and his performance is spot-on. A previous track he worked on for me got signed to a big label, and I’..."