Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Gyakie
I have Produced and mixed Music for the top Female artist in Ghana (Gyakie). Churning out records that have gained millions of views. I have full dedication to mixing jobs as I am as passionate about the music as I am getting paid. I will deliver top quality work and will go to end of the earth to satisfy my clients audio needs.
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Ian is passionate about helping clients achieve the best they possibly can & their project goals to be exceeded. Our production goals are to capture 'the' sound in the best possible way and manage the arrangement and production of the music to maximise its effectiveness once out there
Quote... “lovely to see the art of a true musicianship be reflected in every tool within Asylum, as if there has been built something here that allows the dopest of minds to flower with creativity without ever muttering the words “if only I had…” – lyallmoloney.com
I am a guitarist and music producer living in Houston, TX. I’d love to work on your project!
Worldtour with Twelve 24
I have Produced and mixed Music for the top Female artist in Ghana (Gyakie). Churning out records that have gained millions of views. I have full dedication to mixing jobs as I am as passionate about the music as I am getting paid. I will deliver top quality work and will go to end of the earth to satisfy my clients audio needs.
I can do almost anything you need me to do for your music.
Unlock your musical potential with my expertise! As a versatile music producer, guitarist, composer, and arranger, I bring your vision to life. Studio pro, theory guru – let's create something extraordinary together!
The Lord knew not to give me a good singing voice, otherwise I would've travelled the world doing live shows right now, instead I'm just writing poems & songs about feelings no one knows about.
Recent Successes
"Nico was an incredible pleasure to work with. He truly is a remarkable mixing and mastering engineer. The first pass he gave me absolutely exceeded what I'd hoped for, and the very few notes I had, he executed them ..."
"fast revisions, superb sound, clear communication"
"A definite pleasure to work with, beautiful voice and straight up professional all around. Quick turn around time too. Would be more than happy to work with again"
"Joe did a great job editing some vocal stems for me. Excellent value for money and very high quality results "
"Fran is an incredible musician, producer, and visionary. Wasn't sure at first if Fran was familiar with country music—since it wasn't posted on his profile. But when I asked him for help, he said it would be no proble..."
"Kyle absolutely crushed the vision for this tune, from everything from the tones to the actual part, and all the things in between - 10/10. Always timely, always great at communicating and making sure we're serving th..."