Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Guille Molina
Tour/recording/session drummer for Guille Molina, Session drummer for Luasó. Credits in "Segundas Chances" by Guille Molina, "ALMA" by ALQUIMIA.
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Fairfield Music facilitates both a music school as a recording & mixing studio.
Hello, my name is Filippo Spezzapria. I'm an Italian guy currently based in Houston, TX. I managed a recording studio in Italy for five years. Drums is my main instrument.
My name is Chris Wilson, and I am a composer and cellist.
I am a Nashville based multi-instrumentalist/producer who has worked for over 150 signed artists including Taylor Swift, Kid Rock, Jason Aldean, Willie Nelson, Erasure etc...As a session player I have played on the ASCAP, CMA and ACM songs of the year.
Philippe Sellam, sax player with a firmly established career as a creative improviser and composer
Do you want a powerful and professional track delivered to you in the cheapest and shortest time possible? I produce every genre you can think of, from Heavy Metal to Lullaby's. From Loud EDM to Soft Acoustic Pop. I've tried it all! I've found a way to make my tracks really good, all the while being criminally cheap!
singer/songwriter - open to work on all genres, bilingual english/spanish speaking
I am an audiovisual composer skilled in arrangements and transcriptions by-ear. My filmscoring background covers comedy, drama, science fiction, thriller, animation, and documentaries, having music featured in a local cinema. Additionally, I have specialized in creating orchestral arrangements, transforming rock songs for live performances.
Recent Successes
"Mickey did an amazing job she took the details I sent over and It was like she literally read my mind and delivered exactly what I was looking for. I'm so glad I contacted her for this record the results were beyond a..."
"Very good songwriter"
"Jonas is incredible. I asked for a string section, he gave me an orchestra; for under one tenth of what it would likely cost to record live. His articulations were stunning and his revisions were prompt & meticulous. ..."
"Sounds good and good communications. A please to work with again!"
"Amazing talent! Rare gem right here on soundbetter. I really enjoy working with Honey-B-sweet. The outcome was unexpected and phenomenal!"
"Mariami and I are a hot hit making songwriting duo. We have written hit songs people crave for I've had songs on the radio and we are stars on the rise. "
"It was very easy working with Maazel, he mixed & mastered my track & provided insight on key elements while keeping true to the original tone of the track. Thumbs up!"
"Amazing work with Richard, so fast, so profesional a incredible voice."
"Ariel's mixing and mastering as always is MAGIC! He can elevate anything and everything about a song, while aligning with the artist's vision without compromising on the technical wizardry. I'm continually reminded ..."
"Another great stem master from Fabian. I can't recommend him enough! Will be back again soon!"